
You even spell like your idol. You do know that it's coal, and my grandfather died mining it in Scranton.

It's just a sitcom, and it was hilarious. Get over your precious selves and watch Grey or Sam and Dean. There are lots of options out there.

Wish I had drunk the Kool Aid, because I was just like what the what now? Maybe it would have made more sense. I think the Riverdale writers may have taken the brown acid at Woodstock, because things are getting super weird. Not that I'm complaining. Weird is good. 

I loved DiGiorno’s until it betrayed me by setting my toaster oven on fire. Some cheese and pepperoni slid off while it was disembarking from the rack. I thought I had cleaned it all out, but I missed some. It was new oven too. My previous one also had a pizza fire. Why does hate me? I love it so much.

I went to a pizza place in Maryland called Philly Pizza and they made the most awesome pita pizza. It’s all about good sauce and toppings. 

Not to mention parts of Ontario Canada.

I watched this speech and I thought his audience seemed confused and didn't clap very loudly. I don't understand why Happy Holidays is offensive to Christians. Christmas is included along with New Year, Chanukah, Kwanza, Solstice, whatever. There are less Christians in the world than Christians think. I do not care to

I loved both Cult and Hotel. I binged Cult and couldn't stop. 

When you think about it all AI are sociopathic. They have no feelings, no conscience. They may parrot the difference between right and wrong, but they are amoral. This is a good time for us all to reread Assimov’s “I Robot.”

Two words: bamboo sheets. They are light and cool and they wick away moisture. I have the sheets and 2 night gowns. They’re sleek and slippery and it feels like you have no sheet at all. They do try to slide off the bed when you’re not looking, and my pillow is always trying to slither around, but it’s great for the

Wow. You have to envy someone who isn’t afraid to speak their mind. Unfortunately, you will never get a network sitcom.

Jist because someone has done some egregious things in parts of their lives doesn’t mean that they should be blackballed from everything. His cinnamon roll recipe was a crime, his pasta not so much. The President has done worse and you still let him “preside” over you. Are any of us pure and innocent in all things?

I think it was a mistake to air some of season 1 episodes in 2. It made the series disjointed and interrupted the narrative flow. I think this is why ratings dropped in season 2.

Yes, let’s look at the numbers. There are twice as many of us as there are of them yet they have all the influence. Is because of their cash or because, hey, they have lots of guns. If we get too loud they can just shoot us.

Maybe it is because I survived Harvey, but I have to say Batali should not go to prison unless it is clearly established that he commited felony assault. Prisons arr overcrowded and I’d hate to see him take the place of some drug dealer, gun toting gang member, or serial killer. He still needs to apologize for the

Is it possible that it wasn’t killing the wife off so much as it was bringing his old sitcom wife back? It was manipulative. “Kevin” is not working so let’s all pretend that we’re still doing “King of Queens.”

Jenna has been in two sitcoms since the Office. The 1st one was some post disaster show that no one watched and the current show which is pretty awful in so many ways. The truth is that even in the Office she wasn’t very funny.

Why can’t we all just agree that I won’t force you to get an abortion if you don’t force me to get a tooth extraction.

This was my thought as well. Even in season 1 I was waiting for them to merge into the Future World Realm. And there is also the downloading of human minds into host bodies. I wouldn’t mind be downloaded into Delores.

Ah, “Rescue Me.” They filmed the morgue scenes at the hospital where I worked (I used to steal their doughnuts), and the love of my life played a butt double on the show.