
"Now where's the dog food aisle…?"

Plenty! But that's part of the journey :")

Lol i loved the bland co worker at We Got Y'all who was like "we are actually doing this?" and deconstructed the phrase "dreams" and saying they would be called "reality" if they were obtainable. lol I like her


Really good episode the chemistry between Molly & Dro is electrical. It will definitely cause drama and repercussions in the coming episodes though. Tsk tsk

Lmao the black rapper from MKTO was Mollys younger brother. I noticed him immediately. Lmao and she called out the other for falling in love with a stripper and he said "she trapped me!"

Who is this guy? Like seriously who is he? Earth-2 Trump?

Lol of course the interview is a Tidał exclusive. Nice try Jay z. Nice try

I forget he's divorced

That's her next LP

3:69 to Yuma


Lmao Jon my man got some poooooosie!!!

Yes! This can't come soon enough

We miss you John!

What an odd combo

Couldn't be!

Lmao porn

Should I care?

What special?