
EDIT: Image upload isn’t working.

I mean... Even if he did believe that, he could probably get access to ride along in a single engine Cessna with a service ceiling of 14,000 feet for still well under $20,000, and lots of them have windows that can be opened.

Hmmm... $20,000 for a rocket to go 1800 feet, or $300 for a short distance commercial flight with a window seat at 39,000 feet.

Dragons, Gratuitous Sex and Death, Sword Fighting. Basically, every 16 year old boys brain. PASS.

Watched only the pilot and walked away. #Spoilerproof

Regarding #2, how about a statement of “we reserve the right to ban symbols of any governing body that has been bitch-slapped down by the U.S. for grievous acts of violence against humanity” Covers nazis, covers confederates. Leaves little wiggle room for them to whine about bans in the opposite direction.

Chinchillas are great! I had one. They are extremely friendly, and if you have a safe area, you can actually put a chest harness on them and walk them with a leash. They will happily follow you if you are their primary caretaker.