It was so fun! New guy is really cool, and EMOTIONALLY AVAILABLE. I really can't even believe what that feels like but it is awesome.
It was so fun! New guy is really cool, and EMOTIONALLY AVAILABLE. I really can't even believe what that feels like but it is awesome.
You guys how do I get out of the greys?? In regular life I can deal with it but NOT ON SATURDAY NIGHT SOCIAL!!
Because apparently I am a peepee brain :(
I moved to a far away city and it was relatively new so we just ended it but I was really sad. Old guy has been thinking of maybe moving to my new city but hasn't actually made any plans to do so. We have no friends in common, I don't know how he would have found out.
I wish you weren't in the greys and I saw this earlier! I am printing this comment out.
A couple months, I guess not an eternity or anything.
I have no idea either! Perhaps when I have some distance I will ask him how he knew.
ETA: I read all your good advice and I still texted him back! Nooooo :( I am still going on my date and I am still going to have fun but now I am very very mad at myself.
Thank you all so much, all of this stuff is exactly what I needed to hear :)
I am pretty sure I am stuck in the greys, so maybe no one will even see this, but I'm having dude problems. I spent a lot of time getting over someone I really, really liked. I finally moved on and found a new guy. Old guy chose the exact day of my first date with new guy to text me and say he missed me. I know I… The choices are not limited to changing table or shit in a public dining area where food is being consumed. In fact, the mom herself thought of a perfectly good option she was too lazy to partake of: change it in the car. The problem is the mom's utter lack of human decency.
I'm in a heterosexual relationship, so there isn't any kind of social or cultural baggage in my perspective, but I can't imagine being best friends with someone who "didn't believe" in my right to marry my love. Isn't that the kind of thing that gets your best friend license revoked?
I don't have kids yet and that information has definitely added a check in the "NO" column! I wish more people said stuff like that and not just that children are blessings or whatever.
Oh, sweet Jesus. So grateful for chickpea protein powder right now! Ew :(
Honestly I am surprised this is a problem. I've been on team thong for quite some time and this has never happened to me. Maybe I should quit my job and dedicate my life to preaching the gospel of wet toilet paper? If this ever did happen to me I would probably be done with thongs forever :/
I actually forgot the epilogue! In addition to everything working out for me in the end, now that it's been a couple years I've reconnected with some of those friends. Guess what? MANY of them were actually going through the same thing and did not even remotely have their shit together the way they appeared to at the…
Do you have a contract you can renegotiate?
Forever 21 sells an entire rainbow of plain tanks/spaghetti straps/camis for like 5-12 bucks apiece.
I posted this story recently, but threeish years ago when I was 22 my life was seriously in tatters, 110% due to my own failures. To wit: failed out of grad school, abandoned by enter friend system from said grad school, no job, no money, break up of 5 year long relationship, temporarily homeless couch surfer. It was…
Not to creep, but I use VegaSport. It's pricy but it's basically just straight up vegan protein powder, so it tastes really mild and yummy and doesn't have added sugar/preservatives. I'm actually not even vegan (or vegetarian for that matter) it's just the best protein powder I've found. One scoop is 22 grams of…