Killg0re Tr0ut

I was lucky enough to see this live and it was absolutely amazing. And the Stop Making Sense CD was on repeat throughout my teens and 20s, before I ever even watched the movie, which also blew my mind repeatedly once I finally owned it. I can’t wait to to check this out!

No love for the recliner?? I splurged on a nice leather one about a year ago and I love it for gaming. It’s closer to the 65" TV, and off to the side a bit. If the wife is out, I’ll pull it into the middle of the room. 

No homophobia??? So, is it, like, fantasy/comedy?

Text ‘RBG’ to 50409 and sign a petition to delay her replacement until after the election. It’s fast and easy. 527,392 people have signed so far!

You can text “RBG” to 50409 to sign a petition requesting RBG not be replaced until after inauguration day. I was the 483,988th to sign!

She was amazing in season 2 of The Sinner as well.

Ouch. I guess I can afford that, but geeze, maybe I should just by Minecraft for my kid once and for all. I’ve still been playing Borderlands 3, and that’s not included, so yeah I should probably cancel and resub if something big comes out. 

I was on the fence between SteelSeries and Turtle Beach, and eventually went with the Stealth 700 for Xbox, and for the most part I’m happy with them. The connection cuts out sometimes, but the audio quality is quite good, plus the bluetooth lets me answer calls, listen to podcasts or music, and really easily balance

I was on the fence between SteelSeries and Turtle Beach, and eventually went with the Stealth 700 for Xbox, and for

That Harrow the Ninth cover is sweet. Kinda looks like an MTG card that costs 4 swamps.

But are you down with the brown??? Otherwise you can piss up a rope!

There are two difficulty settings, at least on Xbox. Don’t let the cute retro imagery fool you! Cuphead was meant to be brutal!

Lucky bastards! Can’t Xbox have anything?!?!

After revealing Theo’s shady backstory on the previous episode, and the gleefully sinister look on Arabella’s face in that last shot at the group meeting, I was convinced she was planning to destroy Theo in the same way destroyed the other guy, Zain? the secret condom remover. Seems like the reason for inviting her to

Why are all of his candles perfectly symmetrical???

My buddy was shrooming at a Phish concert in Boston back in the 90s, up in the nose bleeds, and fell forward like 3 rows and smashed his face on the back of a seat. Not a fun trip.

At the end of my senior year of high school I cracked myself in the nose with a tennis racket trying to return my friends vicious serve, got myself four stitches across the bridge of my nose just in time to graduate.’re alive. They brought you into this world. Certainly that’s better than remaining in the ether?

Yeah I was about to post a lengthy reply, and finally noticed the ‘lies that propagated...’ part. What a hot mess that story was. Those boys are lucky their alibis were solid or it could’ve gotten ugly.

And don’t forget she’s also the star of Devs on Hulu, worth watching!

“In Summer” is my favorite from the first.