Killg0re Tr0ut

Listen to TrueAnon, the hilarious podcast that focuses on all the shenanigans surrounding Epstein’s case, then spirals out into other tangentially related conspiratorial nonsense, all worth it solely to take in the sound of co-host Liz’s sumptuous voice, while the other co-host Brace deftly blends his high-level

Toxic Masculinity + Internet Anonymity = Swatting

It’s not the games, it’s not even the gamers per se. It’s the online component and more specifically internet anonymity that allows insecure mediocre individuals to lash out at others, and the world at large, without fear of repercussion.

As much as I love Les Claypool, I still can’t tell if he’s ever had any formal training. Anybody know?

Every good joke, then.

October 5th, 2019???


Yeah his wheeze gets me chuckling almost every time! ‘Sheesh!’

I just maxed out Zane the other day, and I sure struggled with some bosses, but I didn’t know at the time he was the weakest to solo with. Started up FLAK and things are easier, and it helps to apply all those perks to all characters once you beat the game, so there’s that.

Try Surge or Surge 2 which just came out! It’s single player only and very ‘soulsy’ but not as overwhelming with the stats, and you get to cut limbs off.

Dropping a dome shield on top of your clone can be quite powerful, then switch back and forth with that perk that increases gun damage when you switch clones!

What the hell just happened?!?!?

I will wait for this to go on sale, and that’s not because I’m a cheap bastard. I actually like to support the little companies out there. But my backlog is so stupidly ridiculous right now, there’s just no point in me buying this until later. BL3, Gears 5, was just getting around to Hollow Knight, Outer Wilds was

As much as I love it, and as much as I pride myself in being a master of sarcasm, there are times when I wish Brace would just knock off his bullshit joking and stick to the facts, especially when he’s literally saying ‘these are the facts,’ and then spouts off some nonsense that are clearly not factual. Apparently I

Forgot I was reading a comment, thought this was still the article. Well done, sir!

I do love knocking enemies back when they’re jumping at me and watching them ragdoll away off a cliff while catching on fire, or freezing. And the audio of some shotguns combined with the vibration in my controller is more satisfying than I could have ever wanted it to be. Fun times!

Whew! Something I can pass on, there are just too many good games out there right now. I’m getting like 4 hours of sleep each night trying to catch up.

I don’t know the lore behind Gears, but I always thought they were not from Earth. The in-game writing had a unique alphabet, so I was a bit disappointed to see a traditional keyboard when I was searching behind a desk the other night.

I don’t hate Dolly, but I will never choose to listen to her music. Ever heard of Rubblebucket? Give it a listen, watch a couple YouTube vids, and give it a chance!

It’s almost as if nobody can muster up the strength to make a snarky comment on this.