Well now I know what to say when people ask me what my trigger is.
I’m disappointed by this list, not because I think something else should have been on it, but rather because how paltry it seems compared to Kotaku’s best video game music of 2014. There were a lot more “upbeat” songs on that list, that feel very video-gamey, while a lot of these songs feel like they could be from…
Yo, you are an idiot. (He said please) ;)
Being good at making Batman games means nothing about being good at making Superman games. I struggle to understand why people think it needs to be Rocksteady, when they have no experience (to my knowledge) with a super-powered player character. Not to say they couldn’t do it, but the odds are not in their favor. I…
Any news on the PC specs for this, because I don’t want to buy a PS4.....
I live in the United States and I’ve never heard that.
Iwata is a legend. Always will be. He was the visionary that helped to give us motion controls, wireless controllers, the Virtual Console, and much more. Additionally he programmed balloon fight and the battle system of Pokemon Stadium; games which have touched the hearts of thousands. Truly the world has lost a…
Nope. You are correct, Quagsire, Swampert, and Gastrodon are all used more often in my experience, though none are used particularly frequently.
Do you have an opinion on what is the earliest “good” (good by whatever standards you wish) game trailer, and if so what is it?
I think, certain parts of this look really good actually
*In Germany (I think not the US for sure, our opening song was actually ok).
There is so little Fire Emblem in this......... I’d never make the connection if I didn’t already know. Sigh.
My current plan is to read the core series and get Marvel Unlimited in 6 months for everything else.
It’s not even really rebooting now, in the FCBD comic, Thor is a woman, and Captain America is Sam Wilson. It’s more of a major shift in the universe than a reboot.
“Everything makes sense, everything builds up on each other in other words everything in the world of One Piece is plausible”
One Piece? Really?
“thus they mostly have one audience to cater, and this audience likes these kind of stories” This is in the present tense.
Sorry but I think these represent two entirely different types of “video game movies.” One type that uses video games as a plot device, for example TRON, and another a movie that tries to follow the video games plot, however loosely, such as Mortal Kombat; these are the ones that are generally considered to be bad. Of…
Ummmmm.... Actually no. Very few comic books are actually aimed at kids these days. It’s actually an issue.