What's with all the giant circles in the video.......... What are those?
What's with all the giant circles in the video.......... What are those?
Fire Temple was the hardest one for me.
I was born in 1994, so I didn't get that experience for long, but I do remember it. I miss it too. I'm just glad I beat the TMNT arcade. That would have haunted me for life otherwise.
I'm one of the people who are giving away timid protean froakies. I'm using wonder trade like you are supposed to. So are other people. (sometimes) I received an adamant marvel scale dratini with extreme speed a few days ago. Thanks Japan! Wonder trade is the best thing to happen to pokemon in a long time.
I'm glad I'm not a Breath of Fire fan, I'd hate to see a main series game of a game I play go mobile. I feel for you BOF fans.
I voted it. The game was pretty much perfect, except for arrows going through walls.
There are many differences, I never finished Sacred Stones, but I finished Awakening in a few weeks.
The only game I recieved was Lego Marvel Super Heroes, and as a huge Marvel geek, I cannot get enough of it. Too bad college starts back in 2 weeks.
I reccomend Fire Emblem Awakening, Kid Icarus Uprising, new Super Mario Bros 2, Fire Emblem Awakening, LOZ Ocarina of Time 3D, Pokemon X or Y, Fire Emblem Awakening, and the expansive library of (now cheaper) DS games.
This game is fun. Not much else, but really, sometimes that's enough. I get this kid, I really do. I remember playing TMNT at the arcades and then getting it on the NES. I don't remember getting it, but I remember playing it, good times.
At this point, I'd recommend just playing the Japanese version, I've done it, it's fun. Don't buy anything though, because they have banned a few foreign players( but it is not likely to happen). Really if it came out in America, it would probably work out the same way it did the first time, Japanese people getting…
Just cut them some slack, I find this more funny than insulting! When I first played Mario I was 3 years old, maybe an arrow would have been nice.
Oh I forgot this came out this year. Sorry Mario, Fire Emblem is my GOTY.
If only this were free I would get back into Minecraft with my buddies. Come on Microsoft, make this free, or at least partially free. (I know I should be playing on PC, but playing on my Xbox is more relaxing and honestly more enjoyable)
I really, really, really like split-screen.
I almost wrote a section on Pokemon X and Y, and then I thought about it, and decided 3D world deserves it more.
There already is one.
Were there any other potential title names tossed around in development before deciding on Mighty Number 9? How was the name decided? Thanks for everything.
Why: Yeah that's right, I consider this educational game a must play. It taught me logic and reason as a child, but I didn't even realize it, because it was such a good game. The game has you create "Zoombinis" to take on an adventure to a new home, as their previous home was destroyed. To do so, you solve puzzles…
Ahh... the Z Bumper. I don't remember using it much, but it added a bit of charm to the controller...