wam bam

Ha! Maybe... maybe. But boxers have been doing this as long as boxing has existed. Surprised they didn’t add a racial element to the stage play like they did with McGreggor.  “The great white hope” saying literally comes straight from this long documented history of stirring shit to sell tickets.

Assuming we know exactly what happened based on nothing but biased conjecture doesn’t help this family find peace. I never said that it WASN’T a lynching. Perhaps it was. The fact is, WE DON’T KNOW, and pretending we do only serves to cause more division that we don’t fucking need right now. I’m tired of both sides

Just a head’s up, when I’ve had enough and open fire on the redneck MAGA’s in my neighborhood, I’m going to blame The Root.

“Nah, I’d rather keep shitting on myself.”

This is probably not the place to ask, but I am curious to hear a black perspective on the discrepancy between races regarding single-parent households? 

I hope her family receives the answers they so rightly deserve. That said, and I sincerely apologize for how crass this may sound, but suicide was just as likely her cause of death as a “lynching by 5 white teens”. It seems a bit gross that the above article dismisses one outright while reinforcing the other with a

okaaaaay?  Did they fix the fucking ending too?

This is good news and I hope it’s the beginning of a new trend across America.  However, am I the only one who fears they may be coming down so hard on these particular officers as a scapegoat so when all is said and done they can pat themselves on the back and tell us, “See?  Problem solved.” (without implementing

For anyone who actually believes this “altercation” wasn’t 100% staged, I have a cheap bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.

America should get over our fear of water up the butt and embrace the sublime benevolence of the bidet lifestyle.

A study, published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences determined that at least 4% of people on death row were and are likely innocent. Gross has no doubt that some innocent people have been executed.”

Ethics of the death penalty, which I firmly believe should be abolished, aside personally? I’d rather be shot to death than be injected. When that shit goes wrong, and given it’s administered by law enforcement and not medical professionals that’s far more often than anyone would care to believe, it is an ugly and

Sigh.  The older I get, the more I realize that cynicism is just the body’s natural reaction to reality.

I’m too cynical for this shit. Sorry but to me this reads as execs wanting to cash in on social justice without having to lift a finger to help the actual problems.

With mass shootings being almost a weekly occurrence in America how can law enforcement NOT investigate?

Bioware really doing their best to get back in our good graces aren’t they? Riding those nostalgia coattails hard. Am I the only one who remembers how disappointing the ending was? Hard to care about any of these choices once you realize it won’t actually effect anything by the end. I mean, other than a swapped color

Curious you didn’t bother to address any of the dozens of legitimate criticisms pointing out how absolutely 100% wrong your take on that article was...

Ahhh, if only three games worth of supposedly important choices amounted to more than a different color scheme during your ending. <sigh>

Even the reworked ending was such a colossal disappointment that I have zero impulsion to play through this trilogy again, especially considering how mind-numbingly slow parts of the first gamer were.  Let’s just call it what it is... Game of Thrones Syndrome (TM)

so wait... let me get this straight...