
Yeah I made sure to go opening weekend and see it in Imax 3D to stick it to the haters, which I basically only ever do when there’s a sexist backlash to a movie

I’ve been playing Ingress for a couple years now, and I’ve been trying to play Pokemon Go (incredibly frustrated with how crappy the app is right now though, so I haven’t been able to play as much as I’ve tried to). I think I prefer Ingress for a couple reasons. One, it’s a lot less complicated. Once you figure out

Not even ranch dressing, ranch POWDER. Wtf.

And why is he tagging @Chilis???? Is he in the pocket of Big Chili??? that, to me, is the weirdest part of this photo

These are... these are literally just wine charms, right? I mean she just put wine charms on towels. So not only is it a bad idea, it’s completely unoriginal.

Why bother? The app is fucked enough as it is, it regularly freezes, logs me out, takes 10 minutes to load, etc. I couldn’t tell a difference between this morning and any other time I’ve tried to play it.

I went tonight, and it was awesome. I don’t normally go to movies in theaters at all but I wanted to make sure to get to this one on opening weekend to stick it to the haters. Bought primo imax 3D tickets too, $20 each. Suck on that.

Yeah the two S sounds are also messing with the flow

Oh I guess it could be but I usually hear it pronounced more like like ‘soul-less’

It’s not the meaning of the name that bugs me, or the fact that it’s two non-names; it’s the 2 different and distinctive ‘O’ sounds of Onyx and Solace that are tripping me out, they don’t flow at all. You’d think a poet/writer/musician would know better.

Who the fuck keeps giving this guy writing jobs.

I tell my boo every single instance of street harassment I get. Because it doesn’t happen when he’s around, so he has no idea how prevalent it is, and dudes need to know this shit.


Looking for thoughts on this. Today I was texted by an unknown number who sent me some super sexually graphic messages, before I blocked it. Normally (not that this has ever happened to me before) I would chalk this up to some sort of internet troll who just chose a random number and not be too freaked out by it. But

I was at a show last night where the artist (Kamaiyah) embraced the phones and actually had them turn the club’s lights off and performed by the light of phone screens and phone flashlights. It was kinda cool, even for this old.

From how happy and proud they look I assumed they had done something good, like the employee was that guy yelling at a woman breastfeeding in Target the other day or something. But no they’re just major assholes!

He’s looking very Aaron Carter, and I don’t like it, at all.

Busy at work or plans with my partner are the excuses I use when I don’t feel like telling my friends that yet again I can’t afford it, and it’s super obnoxious to get my balls busted over it. Even if you can be honest with your friends most of the time, sometimes you just don’t feel like admitting for the umpteenth
