
Before TFA I got: Star Trek AND the 5th Wave AND Kung Fu Panda AND XMen AND the new JK Rowling joint AND Captain America AND Warcraft previews... I swear, pretty much every action movie coming out in 2016.

Yeah same - my partner is not nearly as bad as some of the husbands described in there but there’s still some things that have been bothering me, and I didn’t realize what it was. I manage the relationship with both my family and his family, for instance, because he can’t be bothered to return his mom’s emails. The

No.. the only thing that can fix urban housing problems is political will, caring about homeless/displaced/low-income folks. And I don’t know the last time that got anyone elected so... I don’t really see snazzy trendy micro-units reversing that. I could see one or two of these going up, for show, but that’s about it.

My Christmas prank is cleaning up the wreckage of a six course dinner after everyone else just passed out drunk. They’ll wake up in the morning and think.. elves.. did it?

That’s annoying as fuck. Over the holidays I’ve been working my way through this massive compilation of a MetaFilter thread on emotional labor, which is essentially the many many many ways women take care of the social fabric/glue/relationships and do all this thankless work and then, you know it, never get thanked or

Chris Brown if you care about black lives you actually should care about gun control, because black men are disproportionately impacted by gun violence. 15 of the 30 people killed by guns each day are black men. I would argue that’s really the reason more isn’t done about gun control.

Had the same thought process. When will Hollywood learn?

Out of everything she did, its her *tone of voice* that is the problem? Not holding 3 kids in contempt for not seeing their father and sending them to juvie?

I don’t want to tell my future kids about Santa either, but I fear the problem is bigger than that. There’s a whole world telling them there is a Santa; and furthermore, small kids aren’t great at discretion and letting them in on the secret could ruin it for their whole class or friends group. And if other parents

Or Olivia Pope. I bet she could pull it off.

I really don’t get how Joanna Newsom and Andy Samberg are married. (besides legally, I mean)

This is... definitely an interview with a rando teenage boy.

As is Pizza Hut’s, so cross the two, and I’m not sure what you’re getting..

Not necessarily the weirdest, but the one that stands out the most... I was sharing a twin bed with a friend one night and had a dream that she came on to me while we were sharing the bed and tried to hook up with me. It was super uncomfortable and seemed so real - because it wasn’t some other landscape or scene, it

Yeah I mean I feel like I would have sex with any version of Paul Ryan because I would love to sell that story to the tabloids.

Why is this the one mass shooting that people will actually call terrorism?

Killers have Middle Eastern names: oh now we can call this terrorism!

“More guns will prevent more gun deaths” is as dumb and absurd of an argument as trickledown economics and look how long that took to go away as a remotely credible idea.

I read this interesting article the other day that posits that the reason more isn’t done about gun violence is because it disproportionately affects black men, and there’s little political will to tackle that (the actual source of most gun homicides) - given that there’s not even enough political will to tackle gun

This is incredibly badass.