
You can tell he’s constantly pulling this bait-and-switch nonsense and then blaming her for not reading his inconsistent mind. He’s not good in bed. This much is obvious.

How was this misleading? She did indeed have a 32 week abortion. The difference is that her baby was not viable and she had to go through the rest of that before she had what is an abortion.

fuck off


I’ve been a fan of the Gap Modern V-neck tee for the past year or so. I liked the white shirt so much I bought two and they’ve held up well to repeated washings and frequent wearing.

I’ve been a fan of the Gap Modern V-neck tee for the past year or so. I liked the white shirt so much I bought two

Ellie, I adore you for covering this ongoing drama!

His obliques are so grotesquely hyper-developed it looks like he’s preggers.

Yea, this is me to all this “extraness” that came with Lemonade:

In the remix, Jay also brags a bit (too soon?) about how Prince’s catalog is only available on his Jay’s streaming service Tidal: “Prince left his masters where they safe and sound/We never gonna let the elevator take him down.”

Hair Down>Head Shaved>The Rachel>Lice>High Ponytail

You should be ashamed. I’m a feminist and I put in the work. I do a full ten hours in my day job, then I work the third shift down at the Misandry Foundry.

Wow, she really is entering her Miss Havesham phase, isn’t she? “Look here, Pip: these low-cut Frankie B jeans accompanied me to many a society soirée in days gone by. I was the toast of the ball. Everyone envied me. I danced and danced. I looked so pretty in them. Here! Here’s a photo of me. Do you think I look

beard is better.

Relatedly, I have been unable to discern why so many vegan YouTubers are from Australia.

give it time

I have to agree with whoever said it first: the best proof of intelligent alien life is that they stay far away from us.

51 bananas a day

As a student of international criminal justice, I will be forever sad at this completely missed opportunity to be better than the terrorist. What a trial this could have been! What a precedent for future generations. But alas.