
Urgh. Are you me? This is why I don’t go to gigs anymore. I CAN’T FUCKING DO IT. I also don’t go to concerts for the same reason but I’ll accept that’s probably just me. Just paying someone to force me to stand for 3 hours with no room to actually get my groove on seems stupid.

an elephant once let me ride his loving back in Java, Indonesia

Hmmm, that’s an exceedingly good photo of Drew - she said, suspiciously.

Is the full story available in hard-back? I have Prime if that helps..

Woo!! I did one big, ol’ NASTY cackle when I saw Jan’s face. Also, the fact she’s called Jan is delicious in it’s serendipitousness.


YOOOO! I fucking love these articles. The ghost stories scared the fuck out of me but the real stories about sickos get me everytime. So glad you guys lived to tell the tale.

LW3 - tell the wife if you want but a lot of the details you present seem as if you’re trying to (or have) convince yourself that you’d be doing it on some “sisters are doing it for themselves” “we gotta have each other’s backs” tip. When actually I’ll wager you don’t care about the wife and it’s just that you got

“ guys go on...I’m just thinking a bit. I’ll be there...soon”

Am I crazy or does the top pic look like Ms Peppermint from Drag Race?

“One plus one does not equal three,” Torossian said. “This woman is a friend but there is no ‘there’ there.”


LOL, that’s disgusting no. You pull down the top and then tuck and roll so the legs get shorter as you roll the top down. Pee or whatever I don’t know your life. Then reverse. But yes, you are required to be partially/fully naked in a public bathroom each and every time you want to pee. However if your desperate

I think you misunderstood what TheLostShame was saying (or perhaps I did). They were saying men have reacted violently to a woman’s gender identity as much as smaller things like rejection and funny looks. If a woman can get shot in the stomach for rejecting a guy outside of a club, she can sure as shit get shot in

Panama has talked about it in previous articles on (can’t remember the actual name of the article sorry).

I don’t feel sorry about writing it.

“Most people don’t know this but Emma, myself, and Intercept staff writer Sam Biddle all play professionally—full-time—in the band Haim. We are sisters!”

The thing for me about this show is (aside from all of the guys doing THE absolute most ALL THE TIME) is everything can’t be amazing. “it was amazing” “she was amazing” “she smelt amazing” “we had an amazing time” “the atmosphere was amazing”. STFU.

Urgh The Bachelorette. I LOVE Rachel but these men and their goddamn shenanigans, doing the absolute most at any given moment. I CANNOT DEAL WITH IT. LUCAS you’re at 100 I need you to take it down to like a 2 and a half.

I’m deffo this guy.