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What’s up, I went to Jazzfest too! And I was walking around thinking, this seems very well-organized, and must have been a huge undertaking in terms of planning and logistics. And then of course I thought of Fyre Festival and how a bunch of Internet bros thought they could just magic up a huge event out of bullshit,

Mexico won the Battle of Puebla. It’s what Cinco de Mayo celebrates. Largely as a result of the battle, the war, which Mexico also won, dragged until 1867. Thus, France was unable to aid the Confederacy.

Meanwhile, at JazzFest, even though it was the last day, I heard Zydeco, swamp rock, Kermit Ruffin’s tribute to Louis Armstrong and some gutbucket blues. I ate Shrimp and Grits, Shrimp Creole, Smoked Turkey and Alligator Sausage Gumbo, Begniets and Mango Freeze, washed down with iced and hot Cafe au Lait. I made a

I hope they sue all those models too. I want all these POS to be made responsible for this, especially that little fratboy who orchestrated the whole thing. I don’t care if he scammed rich kids, he scammed people in the end. Finish him. It’s not like some random Instagram models were advertising the festival. It was

I know this story is very entertaining, but for me it raises more and more questions every time new details come out.

The gift that keeps on giving

Uuuuugh at what point will we just adapt blanket binge drinking days without any historical/national ties? That seems like a better idea than co-opting a legitimate holiday as an excuse to hit up the bars. (This is what has happened with St. Patrick’s Day and Cinco de Mayo in most places, no? It mostly seems like

I get it, but most American voters chose Clinton and I will not have the voice of the people erased! Our system can suck all the dicks, tho.

Ohhhh my god shutttuuppppp nobody cares about how big your military dick is America, not everything is about youuuuu.

By “We” I hope you mean the Allies, which mostly consisted of American and British troops with some help from the Free French Forces, Canadians and Australians.

I have never seen a rifle up close. I know absolutely nothing about guns. So thanks for the clarification.

Frankly, it didn’t even occur to me to think about the type of gun used in this situation and whether it would be appropriate. So, for at least myself, thanks!

not everyone is a gun nut

Those are just details... what really matters is that the kid probably was rude to someone at some point in his life and was aggressively retreating away from the officer towards a group of nuns/puppies. Probably.

This is actually a dumb criticism whenever it’s brought up. Asking a legislator to read every part of every bill is like asking a software development team lead to personally review every line of code their team writes. It’s a pointless exercise and fundamentally misunderstands how things work. Legislators should be

A few days ago I mentioned I was making a poster to motivate myself to study for the bar. Well guess what?

I have a hard time keeping up with cultural appropriation standards. In my understanding, it would be bad to wear a sombrero while getting wasted (because stereotypes), but Bey’s full of babies and definitely not drinking tequila shots right now so I would have thought it was kind of ok. It also wasn’t at a themed

Maybe to also keep thing close after. Twins usually require a longer hospital stay post delivery.

In all fairness:

From my 7th month of pregnancy on I couldn’t feel my fingers. I could move them just fine but you could’ve chopped one off and I wouldn’t feel it. I regained feeling when my kid was 5 months old or so.