
I love that dress waaaaay more than what she wore last night (her dress last night wasn't bad, but it wasn't as great as this). That color is fucking gorgeous.

This is one of the only times I hope that being a celebrity will come with abuse of power and will make this whole thing go away and get the charges dropped. I truly want this guy to get up in front of a judge and a shitload of cameras and media and say with a straight face, "I am suing Kanye West because he punched

Yeah I mean I get that Kim and Kanye's whirlwind romance and how vocal they are about how much they LUUUURVE each other is a little cheesy and silly, but I hope they stay together until the end of time. The more they get all mushy with each other and the more I see their prettier than any other child ever baby North,

Wow. This is the first and probably only time I'm gonna say you fuckin' go Kanye.

Before people get out their pitchforks and start bemoaning why Jez hates catholicism and how it shelters pedophiles and the rest (idk what shit they're up to these days) — This article isn't talking about the faith you personally choose to lead and conduct yourself by. She's talking about the institution and it's

Holy shit. Poor Nagasu. I saw her skate and even though she had hiccups, she was beautiful. Wagner wasn't terrible though, and I guess they do take in to account how you preform as a whole and not just at the last competition. Damn. I hope Nagasu keeps her head up and knows that she's still a badass to everyone else,

No. How dare you. Stop that.

I'm always amused at the amount of oppression olympics these articles bring forth.

when did not liking a dress make you a "hater"? Kerry is awesome. That dress is not.

I love the color of this dress to death, and I really like the minimal jewelry, but I'm not feelings those sleeves (?)

Idk how she's supposed to control how old she looks, or how tall she is. Or, for that matter, how tall the guy she's dating's kid is.

the fuck even is this article

I have never found any reason to dislike Ke$ha. She's incredibly intelligent (apparently she's a badass at math) and writes her songs because she just wants to have fun, not because she really wakes up in the morning and brushes her teeth with a bottle of Jack.

Sorry, I gotta do it!

All the other breakups I've had with someone I wasn't polyamorous with I either didn't get over it well because I was still in love with them, or I just didn't care if they dated others because I was over them or very, very angry with them. Or I just felt bad for whoever they suckered in to dating them that time.

Not crazy at all, but I think it depends on the nature of the break up and the relationship as a whole.


Idk I guess you missed the part where she was seeing the nutritionist with a medical doctor as part of the whole medical program. They might have a been a dietitian, I don't know because I wasn't paying that much attention to the name of the person she was seeing at the hospital so...

Hmm, that sounds like a weird hybrid of the fake and real diet. Idk, when my grandmother did it, she got all these information packets from the doctor about the thing and I was reading them all because I was interested, and her nutritionist was very adamant about how you should NEVER fall below 1200-1300 calories a

This is how my roomie found one of her cats. She lived in Canada at the time during an especially bumfucking cold winter even by Canadian standards, and found this little kitten wandering around an alleyway wailing and crying and freezing to death, so she took it in and totally couldn't let her go afterwards. She's a