
Had to be him!

LOL I understand your pain.

XBOX...give this man a high five.

Does using the voice commands when your lazy count?

Remember when XBL looked li...OH nvm who am i kidding :/

Now playing

Blackberry has had this for well over a year.

"Let me be clear, I do not consider this to be my story. My goal from the start was to tell the true story of the raid and show the sacrifices made by

At any point did you feel there was a threat to your life?

How much do these usually go for?

And we live in igloos?

Am i the only one that thinks this thing actually looks nice. Its stunning.

Mount Everest next on Google Street View!

"5"? isnt the iPhone 4s the 5th iphone?

I to would like an answer for that.

To my knowledge..Tomorrow :)

To my knowledge..Tomorrow :)

First off...the number of people that use whatsapp is very very little to the number of people i currently have on bbm.

Work for Rogers...had this phone in the store for about a week now and let me tell you...this phone is fuckn amazing. Excuse my french :D

Again with the bashing of RIM.

Seeing as how i cant really watch this move here in Toronto...Any other you guys recommend watching?