
Jackson is sleeping especially soundly.

He had hippo teeth, too!

Captain America was WAY out of line in destroying those Hydra bases! Those were SCIENTISTS, and very fine people. Friends of mine.

I do not like your mom. SORRY!

Tumbrils for ALL!

He sounds like more of a Nazty!

Those "… thousands of Africans immigrated…" people.

WE deserve it.

It was cleverer-than-thou asshole stuff, proving him another unworthy opponent.


Your comments show you're a Republican-supporting Nazi, soft-soaping.

2+2= ????


I feel your anger.

As a general philosophy, you're right. But one must listen to the better angels of our nature - and sometimes they say "Punch!"

"George Washington was a slave owner!"

More like given an enema.

Oh, fuck off.

If you say "Jesus" or "God" then you must be on the side of the angels.

Actually, they care about money and stepping on people w/o big money. Sometimes the stepping-on is more important to them.