
Hey! There's no reason to get dirty!

And Peter Thiel, evidently, will give him full-time work in the MRA industry.


The power of similes is fast coming to a sad end in comically describing…

[sigh] RIP, good sir.

Better yet! Toxic waste pools lightly covered with grade-one sand and pinches of iron pyrite!

He IS like a melanoma, after all: give him a little time and see if you like the look!

Also, Oliver offers us a riddle for this Age of Lead:

It's Florida, right? Can't the sand traps be quicksand?

He'd just come through the (now -enlarged) doggy door, like he usually does.

"… surprisingly…"!!!

And somehow in crayon.


You can go to any zoo with an overcrowded monkey house to see that stuff. The Hollywood execs dress dress (heh!) but smell a lot worse.

I'm sorry I even clicked on.

Brad would be my first choice in any long-overdue adaptation of "Oh Say Can You Smell?"

I just want to tell you both good luck. We're all counting on you.

Why are you all talking to that asshole?

Look in a mirror: that's a dead thing with eyes glazed with the flickering faux-light and -life of hatred, and nothing else, imitating a human being, that's gazing back.
