
JSB: Hallelujah hallelujah, etc.

Not original, but lovely and playful.

So, do Rick and Ilsa meet again and have sex while sliding down Rushmore on Rosebud?

He was an odd racist, and this seems like the direction his idiosyncratic racism would have led him over the time since his death.

That is why he was canned. Fuck even this sort of compliment of these They Live human henchpersons.

Like every other epithet they have.

Very interesting discussion here, sirs and (I hope) madams.

My dad talked about never again offering this self-deluded, Libtard idiocy after he said the same about Nixon.

No. No, I do not.

Not bothering to be original today, eh?

I don't even raise my voice anymore. It's like pointing out that the sky is blue on a clear day. Unnecessary, but it sometimes seems appropriate.

You retain amazing levels of the capability to be astounded.

They see this as "witty skewering" of our constant hypocrisy.

Republican or "conservative"?

To his minions and true equals, this is a Truth, and cannot be denied by any or even all facts.

It is like smearing someone as SJW, bullshit from a selflabeled asshole.

Or avocados, for that matter. I have not heard a funny avocado joke since about 1980. Look at the attempts here. Even weaker than tofu jokes.

Moron with an A.

Krakatoa, East of Korea.

Yet again, DT shows that he is EXACTLY the image of those who voted for him: a group not strangely identical to that composed of every thoughtless, selfish, shining, stupid asshole you've ever had the displeasure to meet, know, work with or be related to.