
I’d ramble about born again conservative Christianity and how people turn to it to replace something they leaned on in their lives that was harmful to them,but merely just trade one thing that they let consume their lives for something they let shape their lives and views but I’m afraid Schilling may actually read

I’m wearing Zubaz right now

Somewhere in Wellesley, MA right now Mike Felger has a raging erection over this headline and will spend 45 minutes talking about it tomorrow in between blabbing about Brady taking a deal and hanging up on any caller not on a landline

Sigh. Had to remind us Bruins fans about Cap Jail Pete. He’d be getting that treatment the former Yawkey Way residents get if he wasn’t running that gold mine of prospects that’s going nowhere.

I’m not going to pretend I know who this reporter is from hole in the wall but is he just a plain shit on everything dick or at least a amusing troll like Shaughnessey?

Ever listen to Boston Sports Radio?

Not sure what’s more funny, this comment or the fact in in a courthouse waiting area trying not to laugh out loud at it


Didn’t they technically merge with the Minnesota North Stars?

In case anybody was wondering what that guy did with his smashed mcdouble anyways

Did Mark Davis have that Twitter handle before?