
Mucho thanks Queenie, it was a few years ago. And agreed, in r/l a producer would not be trying to get their talent to do something as emotional as leave a dying parent a message during a broadcast. In fact they would be keeping everything cool until afterwards. Just as Will was trying to do. In fact Neil would never

I full well know, and make no bones about the fact that I am in the minority here as I have enjoyed even the flawed aspects of The Newsroom. And after tonight's episode I'm more than fairly certain that will not change. Knowing the level of disdain many here have for this show, I came to this review with a lot of

I too attended the NINJA tour but found JA to be as entertaining as NIN purely on the strengths of Eric Avery.

"And if your conclusion is "Oh, he doesn't explicitly say he believes these things, so you're wrong," well, I'm sorry you don't understand subtext."

Link or you're full of shit. He's stated in mutiple interviews that The Newsroom is a "sandbox" to tell stories. Please show me where he states he is expressing his personal views and to what extent.
Really, serve up the link or shut the fuck up.

"…living vicariously in the glow of a second-tier cable drama…"

Exactly. Self awareness isnt one of Will's strong suits.

Seems to me that in  this season there has been an intentional effort to curb the Sorkin-mind-meld dialog. Personally I prefer the faster pace, unreal as it is.

I didn't feel the need to bullet point "evidence" as anyone with basic reading comprehension can pull a random paragraph as an example of my point.

It's pretty clear it's being lamented that news coverage is faliable, hence the mention of the ground zero mosque.

Agreed, a serious misstep. Doubtful two professional newsmen don't listen to the evidence at least once.

While I understand and respect the fact that entertainment reviews are as subjective as you can get, I can't help but wish the AVC would step off Sorkin's nuts for a change.  What other show's writer is singled out by name in reviews for personal ridicule as much as his? And I'd like to know why many are so sure ( and

- "I don’t listen to the radio."- " I don’t watch MTV…",  
- "She should just write songs for pretty, dumb girls. "
- "We had always been the cool kids making fun of the shit that everyone else liked"
- "Like I really hate Nicki Minaj, but I don’t know why I hate her. I just hate her face, you know?"

Can we please get a non-hatewatch review of this show.

"Speaking of odd - the thing about "we're competitors" is fucking bullshit, at least on the campaigns I've covered."

Ok, so is it me or does it seem as though they've slowed the pace of the show to that of a snail?
It's like the shows content volume went down by 2 thirds. Shit. This isnt the show I enjoyed last season.

What the fuck man? Who did Snyder piss off at the AVC?
They gots the hate on for MoS.

Please. Hackman and Beatty were clown shoes.
Stamp was about as menacing as a Teletubby.
And the "Can You Read My Mind" sequence was a steaming pile of unwatchable horseshit.
Do I need to even mention the earth's backward rotation, which has to be the worst
re-set button in film history?
Donner fucked up Superman worse

"I know people are giving it crap for being to "actiony" but we have never seen Superman unleash his powers on a massive scale yet."

To answer the somewhat trollish title of this article, Zack Snyder DID make a good Superman movie. It's called Man of Steel. You should get out more often.