Kid Ompa

*spends 15 seconds navigating to Cyberpunk 2077 in my library and clicking an install button* 

It’s not solely a problem with Horizon Forbidden West, nor is it a problem limited to video games. You see it across popular genre fiction these days, as everything from Star Wars to the Marvel Cinematic Universe doubles down on plot over people, going so far as to fill in backstories for enigmatic characters who

at some point, decades from now, the news will break that amazons marketing campaign pulled one of the greatest ad campaign tricks of all time and convinced everyone that they were the only person not playing this and you need to check it out now before its too late.  it doesnt make any sense to me that this painfully

Oddly refreshing to see the dev team acknowledge what we’ve all seen (or at least suspected), that Warzone was originally only intended to be tied to Modern Warfare, but scope-creep pushed them into a position of having to incorporate Black Ops and Vanguard content even though the platform was never built to do so.


Consumer protections is also a real concept.  I didn’t preorder this, and for most games I buy it’s usually months after the release.  That does not mean companies should be absolved from selling broken products to consumers.

These are great examples of how the general public doesn’t understand how hard it is to create video games, especially online-focused titles.

Well Cthulhu fhtagn, that shoggoth is dummy thicc.

Cosmic Horror then: Reality is built on truths we were not created with the capacity to comprehend.

Disagree about this. I work in software doing IT. 5 years ago, it was rare to find someone with fast internet. Nowadays, it’s rare to find someone with slow internet. Of course, each area is different, but we work with clients nationwide from the sticks to metropolitan areas, and overall everyone’s speeds have

I’m probably in the minority here but I have no desire for a new Mario Kart. 8 has been perfect so more courses is a dream to me.

How long is it going to take to be released though? I’m almost 50. I’m not getting any younger. I’ve only got 1 or 2 GTA games in my life time. If GTA6 comes out in 4 to 6 years and they also milk GTA6 for 10 more years. By the time we get GTA7 I could be well into my 70's.

Going to echo the same thing I’ve said on just about every Halo article: lack of maps is killing this game. For such a long delay — why did Halo not just grab from any of the previous games to even do a simple remake of maps. BTB maps are probably the most imaginative but perpetually broken. This is just silly ya’ll.

I like those too, generally. Gone Home, Edith Finch, etc. It’s just those are like 2-3 hours, and this one is 8-10 hours. For the first few hours, you’ll think I’m crazy, but I found it very tiring after the midpoint. There wasn’t enough content, imo, to actually sustain the playtime which they inflate with walking.

Then-developer Team17 snapped it up, called it Worms, and have since wrung out every last drop of miserable profit from the mediocre idea ever since.

The sting with pachinko specifically is that gambling in Japan is technically illegal.

Uh oh, I hope this doesn’t force Konami back to making games

It’s software and a database. It’s not that they can’t do it, it’s that they think the effort to do so would be more expensive than the PR hit they’re taking right now.

He's not wrong.  It’s great for blowing off steam, and it’s even more fun with a partner.

love this, hope to see more of these articles!

Do you know why celebrities in America don't really do a lot of commercials here in the United States?