
EA: “ We’re not responding. Those people did their best”

Note that while his name has been removed from splash screens, Persson is still listed as the game’s creator in Minecraft’s credits.

He’s very clearly full of smoke. The whole goddamn city knows it.


Koreans don’t know how make game security so you’re fine.

Muh libruls. S-snowflakes.

Razer isn’t really good. Calm down.

It’s only against the ToS if it breaks the law where you live.

Is it just me or did her face go from Asian features to Caucasian

I bet this loser wakes up at 5AM to activate his almonds

Gamers are a cancer

Yes. I pee sitting down because no matter how accurate you are it will splash and you’ll eventually have to clean it also it’s comfy as fuck.

Only took them over a year to add something interesting to this game.

Good ol Japan. A country ran by old strict grandparents who want everything done the hard way.

Congress can figure out

although housing them will be another issue.

Gratitude =/= subservience

Log in, log off. Keep them forever.

You can always come back.

I feel bad for the employees EXCEPT Pitchford.