
@Adhominem: AHAHAHAHA Oh man I feel bad but god that was so funny. I wish there was a webcam on the player showing him FREAK THE F—


I would like to use up the time I paid for. Hope they don't just gut it.

@Skyward Sonik: There's still a little worry, even though I know it will be so much better.

Can i get a refund for the 45/50 hours I didn't use?

Woah, he's bustin out the Gitmo-cig moves

Gotta hand it to Sega for sticking with this franchise after poor sales performance. Between this and Vanquish, Sega- we cool again.

You know what would be better than these in-depth guides? Releasing the game to me right now now now now now.

Love it! Will buy

@Koztah: Oh my god that cover is brilliant (and sounds like a dream come true to my 12-15 in Asperger's inner self)

@rainofwalrus: They're too busy suing everyone in the world slightly inspired by Palladium Books

By the way, it's in Canadian mystery-bucks. $25 turned into 24-something in USD after the PayPal conversion rate.

I would look to adding value for the fan. The parking sucks and the food and beer is the same old domestic Americana crap that every stadium has.

Robo-Ape used the ass-grow attack, causing lady's ass to grow so much that she's tearing her pants apart at the crack?

I bet he really just plays Peggle in there

@otherface: Nope, just make sure you get a good memstick. Don't buy a used one

She looks nice, but I'm still annoyed at the idea of starting a new character with every DA outing. I thought Origins was going to be the back story for the character I'd carry through the series. Ah well, not that I've even finished Origins yet

@Fernando Jorge: It simply needs to have an high quality aesthetic or heart-felt sentiment that the average Joe is unable to appreciate

@Stephen Totilo: You guys should see his retro gaming collection. JC is for real