
SAG needs to loosen up it's iron grip if it wants to be competitive in the games industry. So many clients balk at the cost of using SAG actors (since you have to go 100% SAG if you want to use even one SAG actor)

Awesome! The cover makes me want the book and the next game! #theelderscrolls

Marketing: "Here's a story that will inspire gamers to take the plunge on a 5,000 point shopping spree and black controller" #dogordersmicrosoftpoints

Those shots look incredible, I really hope the 360 version can maintain a good framerate. I'm getting really tired of games getting chunky on me. #modernwarfare2

From the look of these lists, I need to get Fire Emblem

I enjoy Ueda's games but I probably haven't finished either of them because of the lack of context, history, story or other similar element. I must be one of those people BioWare is talking about. Hell, I own D&D books for campaigns I never played.

Geralt doesn't sound like the same voice actor and that makes me sad

@Kakuki: He's got a point though, haven't we progressed past the whole "amazing character models standing on mode-7 looking flat planes"?

looks great


Its a shame they don't use him for more FF stuff and actually make a game that looks like his drawings ala Valkyria Chronicles or Prince of Persia

Sounds great... I'm sure I'll enjoy it in 2012

@gondee: Thanks! That tip about aiming the healing beam will help out nicely... not sure how I missed that

I was surprised to see Tommy only had 5 pics of himself in the shot

@bruceleroy99: Not really, I played about 3 matches online and had a great time. Looking forward to more this weekend

Isn't it "Todd" Hollenshead?

I found a bug in the XBLA one. If you place your river pieces all on one side and leave the other unfinished then try building around it and placing a man on the green it hard locks the system