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Look, I’m right there with you in that people incorrectly using “and I” instead of “and me” is wayyy more irritating than when it’s the other way around.

Oh, I loved Hush...

Well, if her male heir said it was important then by all means... Dude, this is part of the death by a thousand cuts women face every day. “It’s just a headline” It’s just a compliment” “It’s just a joke” “It’s just an ad” It’s just a music video” “It’s just the way they do things here” “well that’s what people think

“It’s the little things that kill.”

Natalie Maines got banned because she didn’t like Bush, what?

I say at my desk and cried for a man I didn’t know, but it turns out I went to high school with.

At least one good Brock.

Well now all I can think of is Xander and Harmony...

I refuse to let anyone else in my house load the dishwasher because I only feel seething resentment when they do it wrong. What kills me that Mr. Eyebrows used to be decent at stacking the dishwasher and now it’s like watching a newborn horse learn to walk...every.single.fucking.time.

I personally, especially as I get older, find the St. John chapters of Jane Eyre fascinating, and St. John himself the personification of “unaware that he’s unaware” privilege, a striking contrast to Big Daddy Rochester; his money, his demands, his prickly personality, his horror show of a marriage and how he dealt

Hahahaha, that was my thought too! Also not a Bobby fan, but I would be lying if I said I wouldn’t be THAT kid, getting all sorts of stressed out when the class gets crazy.

Not a Bobby Jindal fan at all...BUT...what the fuck are you supposed to do when the Substitute steps out? If no one does anything it’s just fucking chaos from a bunch of fucktards who can’t hold their shit together when someone isn’t watching them?

Is there anything in the world funnier than Mac in that scene?

I don’t listen to much rap but when I do its Drake! I love him I love how dorky he is! His SNL episode was the best!

Youre missing the best thing about this....the Latin music vines. Homeboy Drake is now honorary Latino:

When I was in college my school had a student exchange program with the University of St. Andrews in Scotland. There were only a few slots and it was very competitive. I applied and didn’t get accepted. You know who did get accepted to St. Andrews that year? Prince William and Kate Middleton. I guess what I’m trying

I feel so much of that. We call it “having a kid” but that’s really burying the lede, you know? Becoming a parent is way more than having a kid. It’s taking on the responsibility of caring for and raising a human being who will eventually go off into the world without you. Choosing to have a baby is also choosing to

I feel you. Sometimes i wonder if it’s not so much that people drop their girlfriends when they find a husband or have children, but that keeping up with your girlfriends and spending time with them is one of those parts of self-care that get left by the wayside, like going to the gym or just going away for the