
Hers is a much better take on the modern celeb doc compared to Hilton’s. And let’s be real, of course there are some career benefits to be had from disclosing her story. If she can plug her new album and set up the rest of her career, why wouldn’t she. She will emerge positively from this.

After giving this way too much thought, here’s my theory about Baldwinito #6, which includes the surrogate route: At some point, a few of Hilaria’s eggs had been fertilized and set aside just in case. Hilaria has wanted another girl, and when Edo (Edu?) turned out to be a boy, since 1) they wanted to cram as many kids

Notably, the trailer appears to show some formerly white characters now portrayed by Asian actors.

I’m not here to tell you that you need to feel a specific way about Rush Limbaugh’s death. I’m not here to this Demi Lovato documentary is a good or a bad thing. I’m not here to tell you what is or isn’t important.

I graduated from high school in the early aughts from a southern school where my guidance counselor never remembered my name despite me doing the best I could to apply for scholarships and get info on art schools. I was poor, the only member of my family to apply for college at that point, the only internet we had

I did not see, but I just Googled and OMG yikes. Grooooossss. Man, I hope Trachtenberg had some good people around her growing up. As a fairly prolific child actor, she probably jumped from one toxic set to another. 

Joy Behar is 78 years old. She’s an accomplished writer, essayist, actress, producer, and poker player. She came from modest beginnings and earned her way to her position. If I were her I would not suffer McCain — a privileged, shallow idiot who would not have the profile she has today if she had not exploited her

I love how a girlfriend’s highly specific and unprompted statement, corroborated by a lawyer who also represented the alleged bomb builder, that the guy was building bombs in an identified location is seen as insufficient for a warrant to search said location, but...

Yes, yes you can. This is our 2020 Fyre Festival.

Soleil Moon Frye was/is Punky Brewster.

2013...the clip is from 2013 not 2003.

If everyone who believed in the rapture disappeared today, whether to heaven, hell, or the great void, I don’t really care, the world would be a markedly better place. 

I did read at least one version of the article, and the tone is quite snooty, like, we’re going to negate all that’s gone before and substitute this new reason because of course, the sculptures can’t be icons of religion, but a reflection on how heavy women needed to be to survive pregnancy. I got the impression of

I haven’t read the actual article, so I wonder if something is getting missed in the summary. From what this post is saying, the new theory is conflating the cause of the statues form with their meaning. Climate changed caused these representations to be deemed a feminine ideal; but the meaning of them isn’t “climate

This makes me so angry. My employer is going above and beyond, in that we’re getting fully paid for quarantine while we

I think both of you are really being unfair in this situation. FKA Twigs starred with Shia in the movie about this abusive childhood and alcoholism. She probably thought he has overcome his demons and was involved in this very intense movie. I’m sure they bonded very quickly and deeply than normal while making the film

My 14 year-0ld daughter was dating a trans boy who was not out to his parents earlier this year, and we had to have a VERY long sit-down with our 7 year-old daughter about how this was an isolated situation where lying was okay, because outing someone is a terrible thing to do (her sister told her what was going on,

I feel like making Riley so immediately awesome was a misstep, because hardly anyone watching wasn’t rooting for Abby to ditch Harper for her.


My husband and I watched this last night. I found many aspects of it delightful and refreshing, except entire storyline of Harper being a gaslighting abusive asshole. Romcoms have long gripped feverishly onto their “yes this is clearly an abusive relationship, but *squeeeee!*” torch, and this one is no