
Obviously 2 sucked. But if it was the original, it’s up there with Chinaville.

My random video game knowledge is so dumb, I’m so mad that it’s still rattling around in my brain from a blog post I wrote about bad relationship systems in games.

The original G4 worked because YouTube, and streaming content in general, didn’t exist. I was in college at the time. Anyone old enough to remember the original G4 is probably too old to care about the revival. And those too young have YouTube, Twitch, etc. There was no need for this revival, and I’m not sure who

Maybe adults should chill the fuck out about pokemon cards in a kid’s meal. My kid completely missed out last time they did this, because a bunch of 38yo’s went and bought multiple happy meals. I was pleasantly surprised when we grabbed him a HM the other day, and they actually had cards in them.

Omg stop using a few tweets from random people to prove that the sky is falling about something so frivolous 

This is extremely sad. Adults cloying for children’s meals just to get the children’s toys. You do you, like, but it’s sad.

“almost as if there are entire massive groups of players that like the system and game and dont read enthusiast blogs”

This comment kindof reeks of “whatbaoutism.”

Yep! And we’re all stuck here with no where left. I genuinely can’t find anything like old AV Club. It sucks. This site got me through some dark times.

There’s really nothing left here, is there.

An actor memorizing a specific and limited set of lines is much different than a spelling bee contestant theoretically memorizing how to spell every word in the English language. Though of course that would be impossible. Rather, they learn as many as they can and use their knowledge of word construction to fill in

What’s sad is there are no real game show hosts anymore, just celebrities. A host was a professional broadcaster. So the whole search was just kinda dumb and random anyway, and the fact that Richards chose himself was the cherry on top.

Burton is right that there was foul play, but also, Burton was not very good during his guest stint. Easily the most disappointing. 

Somebody pitching trivial pursuit to a board game company would be the funniest thing

I’m to afraid to critique it, because I’m afraid to be labeled a racist.

The world is better off with Nintendo’s software in it, that in no way justifies the shit that the rest of the company pulls. This is like defending EA’s practices because we’re better off with games like Titanfall2, these companies still deserve a big “Fuck you.”

Also, this isn’t fair use any more than me recording The Batman on my phone and posting it on the internet for people to see.

As the kind anon who has reuploaded this and also created and seeded the torrent, thank you muchly for sharing the tweet here. It’s awesome and more people need to see that guide!

SEGA is a corporate entity as well and their change in attitudes on how to engage in fan engagement frankly has a lot to do with them still being in business.

Thankfully, they have shared it elsewhere: