
When Schrieber took the ESPN gig, I devoured every column as soon as I saw it up on the website. I even emailed her once about some nonsense I saw in a Baseball Tonight segment; I didn’t expect much of it, but she emailed me back, kindly and thoughtfully. 

I wasn’t familiar with Schreiber’s earlier work, but her ombudsman columns for ESPN were some of my favorite writing on the site. Smart, clear, direct and fearless.

To be fair, this wouldn’t have been a problem in the NCAA, either.

Detroit Shock?

Jeff Marek had a great point on the audio documents that POST Wrestling put out this week: Why didn't the police stop the show? After all, it was a potential crime scene.

I love Pope Thrower as a name, but still:

Deicide Huxtable would like a word with you.

Seems like Jizyah Shorts peaked too early. 

I’m just glad Storm Duck lost, because Truman Peyote got jobbed harder than anyone else in the first round.

I still think my #1 Deicide Huxtable got jobbed, though she probably would have gotten steamrolled by Pope Thrower anyway.

it’s over quickly: Jizyah Shorts

If Pierce can handle being the butt of jokes, he can absolutely be ‘the guy’ that NBA fans love to dunk on for years to come. I don’t think he’ll be able to handle it mentally, but I don’t even see Boston fans coming to this guy’s support. It’s like he was created in a lab to spew awful takes, being 100% earnest in

This woman is a fucking hero.

I’m not going to suggest anything about the author’s first language, but the article’s level of competence in English is comparable to the baseball competence of the play in question.

Yakkity Sox

“making Devers was safe.”

It’s like this article was written in English. Run through google translate into Spanish. And then run through google translate into English again. 

If Maximum Security hadn’t interfered with Devers’ run route, it would have been a simple double.

I’m no Jets fan, but are you really trying to argue that a practice squad guy who went undrafted and has played 0 regular season snaps would be a key cog in the Jets’ (or any other team’s) lineup? What a dumb fucking article.