
This reminds me of a recent twitter rant of mine after I received one invite too many to a holiday party/toy drive. I love the idea of toy drives but I was being encouraged to "bring an unwrapped toy for a boy or a girl!" Um, why must I bring one for a boy OR a girl? Can't I just bring A toy and let the chips fall

So you haven't noticed? Let me guess, you "don't see color" either? I think it's pretty hard NOT to notice. And to the author's point, were these individuals mostly of color, better believe that a WHOLE LOT of people would be noticing that fact and making policy because of it. So the fact that you don't care to sort

Ahhhhh! I love this post. Everything about it. First I clapped for Michael Arceneaux' when I read it last night. This is the cherry on top. Really though, can we just let RiRi live?