I think you mean “Servant of Grandfather Nurgle.”
I think you mean “Servant of Grandfather Nurgle.”
Punching walls is terrifying to smaller folk and is very intimidating behavior. It doesn’t matter what you think your intentions are, punching walls also makes the other people in the room wonder how long until their face is in the way of your fist, instead of the wall. And it makes them want to leave asap.
I’m not even saying it should be a permanent thing. But men need to start focusing on improving themselves rather than forcing everyone else to kneel before them. Even the #notalls are passively supporting the assholes by defending themselves rather than having the backs of oppressed women, LGBTQ+, and non-binary…
It’s never the woman you know either. It’s never the opinionated, happy-seeming, confident woman being abused. It’s never the happy mother, the dedicated wife, the accomplished physician. That woman would never be abused. She would stop it. She would not put up with that kind of thing. Her upbringing didn’t…
I was visiting family when the original commercial aired last year. My 94 year-old WWII-vet Granddad went, “Does it tweet lies, too?”
I am sorry to see so many progressives on these sites wringing their hands over the election results. I’m a glass-half-full guy, but any objective look shows how well we did.
that is awesome - I hope they sue them into the ground. There will always be more video games, but morality and dignity are irreplaceable.
Hey cheese, maybe you missed it, but this is an article about a woman getting raped, and I was voicing how I, a woman, felt about the man who raped her and then tried to play innocent. I didn’t threaten him with violence. I’d think a “marine infantryman with a raging alcohol problem, an Irish temper, and a sharp…
So, let’s get something straight. A private, female citizen came forward to tell the country about her experience with sexual assault because she felt it was her duty to do so in order to give the people in charge a clear picture of the man who they were about to put on the highest court in the land for a lifetime…
If it’s any consolation “boofing” is one of the very few terms that’s less-filthy in Australia. It simply means to have enthusiastic sex with.
Truth. I and the women in my life routinely use “it’s fine” as a phrase that means “it’s absolutely not fine, but it’s not worth the drama that the truth will bring up.”
I can’t tell what it is you stand for, but you seem to be implying that writers speaking for those of us who are sick of rape culture are no fun (bro). Maybe I’m misunderstanding you but if not, maybe take a minute to imagine what the world looks like if we (women) are human beings just as valid and important as you,…
When women are targeted, harassed and attacked as a gender, then it’s important and extremely helpful for them to have a closed-doors session where they can actually open up about what they’ve experienced without fear of men associating their comments with specific people.
So who should do it? How can we systematically discriminate against men, in an industry currently dominated by men, so that they learn what it’s like?
The point of “excluding” men, is to provide women and enbies the opportunity to participate without the harassment or the descrimination. The same opportunity men get at…
Sure, she could have and probably should have left sooner than she did. None of which is relevant to whether what Aziz did is okay. Staying in his apartment is not consent to sex. None of the other things she did are consent to sex, either. That shouldn’t be confusing to men, and I don’t think it actually is. It’s…
Look, I’m not a fan of comic book movies, and I’m a film snob, and hell, just look at my name and avatar, but even I rolled my eyes a bit when Hawke invoked Bergman and Bresson.
The harassment I am experiencing on the campaign trail is astounding to me.
Didn’t Shannon already play Trump, in the Shape of Water?
Banning guns doesn’t stop criminals from getting guns.
My wife and I have an abiding belief that every person on the planet should be made to work at least one year in the service industry, be that retail, food service, customer support, or what have you.
The idea behind this belief is that while having walked a mile in the company shirt won’t stop everyone from shitting…