
Agreed, Diddy kong racing was one of my favorite games for the N64

Wonderful reference, +2 internet points

I love this artwork but I want to point out that caring his hammer where he is, is endangering his... er... personal hammer.

One bad lunge and that baby would swing on that cord and do some crushing.

I got this scar on my face during a mighty struggle!

I've spoken with apes more polite then you.

I've got a long, sharp lesson for you you to learn today.

To have, once you have 4 monitors its pretty much required to make them look awesome.
I think its a law, you probably face 2-3 years in boring jail if you are caught without back-lite multimonitors.

I'm pretty sure at 4 monitors, its a necessity...

Actually, as far as I know all non-private pools have to drain the pool if glass is broken in the pool (it might even be the pool deck but I can't remember)

Before I read the whole article, I was trying very hard to think how you would have both the soup and towel in the blender without the towel causing all sorts of issues. The actual method makes much more sense.

And a huge part of the Halo 4 is showing that Cortana is more human than MC. A big part of the story is about breaking through to MC's humanity, reminding him that he is human not a machine.

Its a little early to have someone win the internet for the day but you have an amazing lead

I'm glad you pointed out that there are more than one type of 3D.

Sounds like you're just better at losing wars.

Yall know that Canada is just dying to become the 51st state! Heck, we planning a fixing that name of texas to mexitexas to make better sense on the map. With that, we only have to the rest of Central and South america to claim. Cause were 'Merican and you know you want to be one too!

Oops, looks like we kotaku'ed their site. I'll check back in a few hours.

Nice Hey Arnold reference!