Molesworth One and a Half

I’m not at all surprised that this meeting isn’t happening but holy shit THAT LETTER THO.

Zero democrats voted for the Tax Bill, which passed without. Zero democrats voted to overturn ACA, which failed. Handing these seats to Republicans because the Dems aren’t pure enough would make this an even worse place to live. Although we’ll almost certainly lose West Virginia and it’s hard to root for him.

McConnell and the Republicans’ cowardly refusal to confirm Obama’s Supreme Court nomination during the election will never get as much attention as it should how fucked up and dastardly it was. Fuck him so much.

Now playing

I know we’ve all seen it already, but it’s apt, and it bears repeating.

It’s hard to coexist with folks who think the universe was created in 6 days but any new gun legislation is moving too fast.

I’m disappointed in the lack of Thanks-a-Lot on this list. Those are my favorite.

I want to go Fred-and-George on her ass so much.

Don’t feel too bad, I initially read it as “Kevin Sorbo” and was like “figures that douche would take a Trump Admin job”

i can’t even be mad. i clicked into this article. i read it. i did this to me.

It’s almost as if people who choose to be teachers* have some sort of... desire to improve the world a little.

By law, every movie filmed in Milwaukee must start with “Schlemiel! Schlimazel! Hasenpfeffer Incorporated...”

This is at once bullishly stupid and offensive that I don’t know where to start. Most of the Hondurans fleeing into the US right now are fleeing a political situation which was directly created by the US’s decision to certify both that (1) Honduras was abiding by the preconditions set forward in the US appropriations

And yet somehow this most unchristian and hate-filled man is lauded by evangelicals!?! Their hypocrisy knows no bounds. Obama was a good, decent, churchgoing family man but was somehow the devil incarnate.

Ashley and anyone else who didn’t work for GMG at the time of the election.

I miss Muck.

These kids know what they’re doing, too. Check out how they’ve framed their demands:

I’m 42. If I wind up being 1/10 the woman Emma Gonzalez is right this very second, I will consider it a win. I’m in absolute awe of her.

Looks like King picked the wrong image. Let me fix that for him.

Is “Cuban flag patch” going to be the new “US flag pin” for right wingers to flip out about?