I am so fucking tired of all of this. The lack of willingness to try something, ANYTHING. It’s like ok, you don’t want to blame guns because they’re just the tool. Fine, I’ll play.
I am so fucking tired of all of this. The lack of willingness to try something, ANYTHING. It’s like ok, you don’t want to blame guns because they’re just the tool. Fine, I’ll play.
Mid-terms? Hell, we have elections next freaking week. Here in VA we have our governor’s race, and right now all the comments on the Democratic nominees’ page are from right wing assholes crowing about how corrupt the Democrats are. This shit could not come at a worse time. I don’t know who I’m more angry with- this…
They were already in church; how many more prayers do they need?? It’s time for more action and less praying.
Something seems shady about her story and her motivations. If not shady, at the very least selfish. It appears self serving. Also, thanks for the help in helping the Dems going into the mid term elections, Donna. It seems your need to tell your “story” precedes our nation’s need of getting the GOP out of power and…
Man, if anywhere was going to have a magical bulletproof blanket of thoughts and prayers, it’d be a church on Sunday morning. I’m starting to get the sense that maybe those thoughts and prayers aren’t working as intended.
I still cannot believe that people are shocked, SHOCKED that the DNC would rather work with a member of the Democratic Party (Hillary) instead of someone who IS NOT A DEMOCRAT (Bernie). Quelle surprise.
LOL. I’ve had an abortion and actually saw the cells that were removed from me at 9.5 weeks — another spoiler: it looks nothing like those feet.
I had the baby feet pin too, and the promise ring. I led the devotional at the flagpole. I had a different Christian themed t-shirt for everyday of the week. It’s so weird to look back on that person; she seems like a complete stranger.
If you’re not able to relocate, training for a job that doesn’t exist in your current location makes even less sense than holding out futile hope that your old career will become viable again. At least with the second option, you can spend the time working at McDonalds and make some money. Let’s be real here. These…
The majority of coal workers are in it because it’s a family business. Their dads, uncles, aunts, sisters, wives, children, grandparents, great-grandparents... etc work in the industry. The majority of their towns work there. So they are biased for the industry of course.
This is one of the most nonsensical ideas I’ve ever heard. Even if coal did come back (it won’t) there is absolutely no downside to learning a new marketable skill.
That’s not a stupid question at all. There is a very clear answer, though. The reason Republicans are pushing so hard on abortion is because for a LOT of conservative Christian voters, abortion is the ONLY reason they don’t vote Democrat. If Republicans dropped their crusade against abortion, they’d be dropped by a…
Republicans will literally invite anyone to the table, even some non-sentient piece of medical equipment, instead of a woman.
“the detection of the heartbeat as irrefutable scientific evidence of not just life, but of citizenship as well” Agglebargle rage was the response I had to this. Fine you asshole, adopt all the children that you are forcing women to give birth to and pay for their healthcare. Oh I forgot, women don’t matter and once…
I just want to scream that taxes are not a bad thing and that while over taxation would be bad, we are not at a point of over taxation particularly for the rich, very-rich, mega-rich, spectacularly-rich, ultra-rich, and holy-fuck-you-know-you-can’t-take-it-with-you-rich.
But in actuality, it’s an acronym for “The Cucks Undermining Trump Can’t Understand The Crazy Useless Taxes Act.”
The only reason those statues were erected was to remind black people “of their place”. Racism, pure and simple. Nearly every single Confederate statue has been erected as an explicit response to blacks fighting for their rights.
*shrug* All the white women I know who voted Trump had no problem affording their own pills before Obamacare. According to them there was one overriding reason they voted for him. With Scalia’s seat in the air and significant potential for additional vacancies, they hoped Trump would get enough conservative justices…
That’s the worst Dolores Umbridge costume I’ve EVER seen. She didn’t even get the hair color right.