How come women can’t go sleeveless when Paul Ryan is allowed to go spineless?
The general public’s cognitive dissonance over the NRA is staggering. The fact that not only was there no meaningful discussion or reform after 20 children were shot to actual pieces means nothing will change in our lifetime.
Yeah, I knew what I was getting. That’s why I voted against the sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic, incestual, paranoid, idiotic, treasonous, poorphobic, greedy, eduphobic, evil, climate denying shit pile.
Reading this type of thing that goes on that I know nothing about as I’m not into guns scares me way more than reading about terrorists. Way more.
....and mom jeans. Impeachment should’ve been in order!
I really miss Obama and how much dignity and grace he and Michelle had when they were insulted. Frankly, they had some horrific and awful things said about them.
Along with, McMansion Hell is one of the very best things on the whole Internet.
Cool Cool Cool * reaches for xanax *
Girl Scouts are awesome. That is all.
That’s great! Also Aha is wonderful band and The Sun Always Shines On TV is criminally neglected.
Hottest take: It’s OK to not like things other people like and it’s also OK for them to like things you don’t.
In honor of CNN’s bizarre decision to start using a sketch artist now that there’s no recording devices allowed in WH press briefings...
Oh gee, Trump lied and doesn’t give a shit about anything but photo ops where he can shove himself to the front? Surprising!
Can I throw up now? Why don’t we just build a time machine and go back to pre-Dickens London, where urchins begged in the streets and people worked 60 to 80 hour weeks for low wages in terrible and often dangerous conditions, so men like Trump could live in wealth and comfort, and did not have to work hard…
Which is the really absurd thing, to my eyes. The Speaker of the House doesn’t carry the party. They don’t campaign in tightly contested districts, they don’t give many speeches, and they’re not generally the face of the party. It’s not a job that deals much in PR; they’re closer to the chair of the Ways and Means…
Also people pretending the point of Nancy Pelosi is to deal with your congressional campaign in god knows where. The point of Nancy Pelosi is to continue making sure not a single solitary Democratic congressperson supports crazy-ass bills trying to kill Medicaid for billionaire tax cuts.