Molesworth One and a Half

This makes me sick. They were actively celebrating passing a bill that is going to bankrupt families and force people to die. I’ve always been a believer in dignity of life and choosing with an illness when is the right time to just let go, but no one would look at dying from cancer as the only option. No one should

I am so disgusted with our country. Republicans keep getting rewarded for putting their greed over helping the country. They faced no consequences for bullshit Iraq war, they faced no consequences for 8 years of intense racism aimed at Pres Obama, and I have no faith in our voters to hold these fuckers accountable for

That’s a fair sentence. Jonathan should have kept his hands clean, instead, he had his hand in her pocket, uninvited. Oh, well; you live, you learn.

Republicans are terrified of the public learning the full consequences of their plan to push Americans with pre-existing conditions into the cold.

I am literally shaking with fear and rage. My bipolar disorder will cause any premium I pay to increase by 208%. I ALREADY can’t afford the premiums.

And on an unrelated note, GOP leaders think they’ve obfuscated the pre-existent condition issue enough to pass a healthcare bill.

BTW, this is all rooted in this bullshit perverted evangelical Christianist belief that sickness and misfortune come from sin, so essentially sick and unfortunate people bring this on themselves. The Prosperity Gospel is a lie from the pit of hell.

Speaking as a librarian, I’m grateful that our field exists for this very reason. As soon as cheetolini was inaugurated Data Rescues have been organizing all over the country. These are events where developers, librarians, archivists, information junkies of all stripes get together to scrape at-risk government data as

The best way to handle Milo is to starve him of attention. Don’t voice outrage at his stupid statements. Don’t print interviews with him. Let him have his troll festival but stay away. Don’t have a counter protest, that just feeds the beast.

They should reenact a few scenes from Rome by the only (fake) centurions worth remembering.

“I kind of pooh-poohed the experience stuff when I first got here,” explained one White House official, “But this shit is hard.”

JUST DO IT AT CHURCH!! Jesus Christ, people, you have a whole day that is supposedly set aside for EXACTLY THIS KIND OF THING. Or, if it really needs to be multiple days, do it during school vacation! I got forced to go to enough vacation bible schools/ other assorted religious bullshit to know that these kind of

There is a great deal of not just poetry and prose in the Bible, but from what Ive read almost every piece of history thats in the Bible has eventually been proven,says Rev. Ray Hurt, who preaches in Mercer County.

*checks calendar*

Not enough of a fuss has been made about Ivanka going to Berlin for the W20 summit. She has no qualifications to work in policy, international law or norms, diplomacy, or women’s rights. She has no reason to be the representative for our country, other than being the daughter of the president. She is not a fucking

“on one issue”

“I am not a racist.”

I cannot emphasize enough how important and terrifying this is. Also, keep in mind that most municipalities (state, county, city, other federal agencies, etc.) rely on EPA grants to regulate and clean up pesticide pollution, so the federal government knocking back cleanup and regulation responsibility onto other