This post gets a stamp of approval from me, an apparently humorless feminist who was pissed at this morning’s posts.
This post gets a stamp of approval from me, an apparently humorless feminist who was pissed at this morning’s posts.
Jezebel has become very meaningful to me, so all my love and support to the writers striking. This is the only place I can stomach reading politics now, and the commenters here are gold. Life would be shit without the women writers of Jezebel. ❤🌸
On March 8, the majority of the staff of Jezebel will be participating in A Day Without A Woman, the general women’s…
I’m a counselor at an abortion clinic in Houston. I’ll be at work helping women access abortion care while they still are able to exercise that right!
Chaffetz talks about low-income Americans like they are bratty 10-year-old suburban teens addicted to playing Candy Crush, which I guess explains a lot about why this plan is so bad for them.
As the mother of a toddler I can confirm, there is only one thing worse than being tipsy and responsible for a small child - being hung over and responsible for a small child. I’m serious. It’s hell.
I’ve been active duty military for ten years (not the Marines). This was an incredibly depressing story to see break today, but what actually gives me some hope is the strong, emphatic push back online from some male Marines that this is not who the Corps should be. People with real influence are starting to speak out…
If you haven’t seen Last Week Tonight’s takedown of the Repugnantcans plan to “replace” the ACA, set aside the 19 minutes and watch it now. It will make you laugh but also make you rage at the pure adulturated evil from the motherfuckers.
Now we know what to call him. Thanks, Sean.
They couldn’t find a single person from the NAVY to be Navy Secretary?
Having spent 7 years working in a steakhouse, I can attest that there are exactly two kinds of adults who eat steak like this:
The actor is survived by his family and Bill Pullman.
There will always be new voters, but those voters actually register and vote. Sanders supporters want control of the party without a proven track record of being able to help the party. Just like Sanders wanted to be the Golden Boy Anointed One while Clinton put in the hours to help other people get elected. …
I actually got into an argument with a friend about this last week. I feel like if he has a lot of feelings about what Democrats are doing...he should join the party and make sure they happen.
Honestly, I’ve been hoping Perez wins because I want Ellison to stay in Congress. If it’s working right, the DNC shouldn’t be high-visibility. It doesn’t set the chair up for future political success, and I want to see Keith Ellison as the goddamn Speaker, not a high-level manager.
If pushing away means isolating the greens, I’m not unopposed. They only take votes away from Democrats and field clueless morons.
This! It makes me so pissed how so many people have declared Bernie (and therefore whoever he taps) as the best of the party. Have any of them seen him do an interview on TV lately? What letter do you see next to his name? It’s not a D. It wasn’t okay for Bernie to use the party’s money and contacts to run for…
Except Perez isn’t a centrist, idiot.
Who’s “we” there Bernie? You got a mouse in your pocket. Or did you forget you aren’t a Democrat again and that most of the party doesn’t jump at your command.
By...picking a DNC chair that’s near-identical to another DNC candidate? JFC this division is getting rediculous. “My guy says he’ll raise min wage by $10, and the other guy will only raise it by $9.50! CORRUPT RIGGED BERN IT TO THE GROUND!” Jeezy creezy.