Molesworth One and a Half

The promise keeps changing over the years (I was a Girl Scout in the 70's, so that’s the one I remember), but serving God and Country Has always been there:

Ummmm... it’s not a secret? It’s in their FAQ on their website. It’s also super disingenuous to be against an entire organization that supports girl leadership worldwide because the clearly factory-made cookies that they use as a fundraiser are subject to typical factory practices. You don’t have to buy or eat the

If anyone threatens a Girl Scout, I will fucking come for you and you will be at least one ball short of a pair.

This — I don’t understand, when these nominees give disqualifying answers like “We might need guns in schools because grizzly bears,” the questioning senator doesn’t follow up incessantly and eventually say out loud that that’s a disqualifying opinion.

The look of disgust on Senator Murphys face is magnificent.

I literally watched this happen live (yes, I’m serious), and I still don’t believe it.

The only way to stop a bad bear is with a good bear. Ban bear free zones!

her agenda is to privatize education and open it up for 1. corporate exploitation and 2. religious exploitation. She’s been trying to do it for years. If she succeeds welcome to your Dickensian nightmare.

There’s plenty of overlap in that Venn Diagram. Aside from her proven disdain for public education and delight in moving public school funding to parochial schools, DeVos was one of the major sponsers of the various state anti-gay marriage propositions between 2004-20012. She and her family spent many millions (all,

Not surprised at all she doesn’t know this. She’s not interested in the real issues of education.

God, every time I see that man delivering a smack down I feel so full of pride that he’s my senator.

Oh, when it comes to destroying the lives of innocent children and grinding their hopes and dreams into the dust, she’s willing to put in the work. She’s just never had a job that was also her passion before, that’s why she always seemed so apathetic.

Fuck her. The lack of decency in so many people appointed to high power positions is mind boggling, disgusting, and plain unfair. DeVos is the unhinged, morally bankrupt, evil villain in a teenage dystopian horror novel. How do such depraved people get this far in life? The fact that she hasn’t suffered for her public

My mother taught for a charter school for years. She saw all manner of incompetence, apathy, and greed that shortchanged her students and denied them the education they deserved. She quit to become a tutor, and she now believes that charter schools don’t work unless they’re more tightly regulated.

She is proud to help author this stunning piece of legislation “No Oliver Twist Left Behind.”

As a teacher, this, out of all of Trump’s horrific appointments, has stung the most. Imagine if this person and her family had donated that bribe money to public education what could have been accomplished.

In the conversations about the risks Trump poses to women, religious and ethnic minorities, LGBTQ people, and the non-wealthy, we haven’t paid nearly enough attention to the utter devastation that is about to descend on public school students. This woman is as terrifying as any other nominee he’s put forth.

Franken also grilled her really well. She couldn’t answer a basic question about growth vs. proficiency (she thought they were the same thing, they absolutely aren’t). She bought this post. Pretty deep fucking swamp.

Rember folks, this pasty weasel believes in repealing child labor laws! She wants to go back to the days of children in coal mines! Honestly, that bothers me more than money. How morally bankrupt can you be?