Molesworth One and a Half

Honestly, that “both sides” BS is truly exhausting. The GOP is historically corrupt right now, as a whole party, in a way that they have completely abandoned honesty, propriety, and any level of public shame. KingDance laid it out for you. And still... you bring up Flint??? Seriously?? There were a couple of low level

I think the level of corruption by the Republican party is unprecedented in modern US politics. We have a President openly flouting the constitution and a powerful congressmen threatening to cut off funding for the office that provides oversight. THis is after they already tried, in the middle of the night, to cut


It’s been said before, Jason Chaffetz has the stupidest fucking face. The living embodiment of Backpfeifengesicht

Chaffetz seems particularly mad about a series of sarcastic Twitter posts the OGE’s official account sent to Trump in November, mock-congratulating him for deciding to divest himself from his businesses

The only acceptable male cameo.

There’s a boycott Trump app. It’ll tell you who supported Trump so you can spend your money elsewhere.

If you or someone around you needs help there are people that you can call.

National Suicide Hotline: 1-800-273-8255

Dear god we are just so very embarrassing.

Every year, our congressional representatives hold an art contest for students in their districts, with the prize

It wasn’t what Obama himself wanted.

Not to add to your despair, but the midterms will be a shitshow and there aren’t enough R seats up for grabs to do a fucking thing. If anything, there are several weak D seats that could go red.

I. Am. Furious.

I still refuse to listen to this woman speak. So, I can’t bring myself to watch the video.

I know a lot of people here are anti twitter but it’s ground zero for this story and I recommend it.

My Senator...leading The Resistance today.

It scares me nonnative people can come to my reservation, and other reservation, assault me, and my family, and they may not get persecuted for it. The FBI can decide to not go after the person and my court can do nothing about it.

If the GOP insists they’re the party of fiscal responsibility and want to reduce government spending, they should be providing MORE money to Planned Parenthood so that women of all income levels can afford birth control.