Is that the invisible jet in the background?
Is that the invisible jet in the background?
Devil's Third, was announced as a Wii U exclusive at E3 this year. A bit of a surprise considering the game was…
ain al = anal!
Damn and i thought i was jaded, while i respect that you did not like the game, your rant about being expert on recycled ideas was rubbish all games are recycled ideas some more than others.
I just wish the Transformers weren't overly detailed looking junk.
Arabic is my native language. I have to say...these are really good! Interesting to note is that all the main titles are simply the English pronunciations written with Arabic letters. While the subtitles of Call of Duty and Wolfenstein (Advanced Warfare and The New Order) are actual direct translations of the words…
عالم ماريو الخارق
As long as neither is made by Team Ninja.
Uhhh...... Narp???
There are lots of anime figures. Truth be told, many of them simply are not that memorable. This one, however, is.
True talk: that safe was opened by a dude's bare hands
You know what's absurd? Playing King's Quest 6 on 6-9 floppy disks !! It was 9MB
they originally had an apology, but it went something like "we are sorry... that a metric fuckton of you nerds don't have fucking lives. fags."
The PC Master Race needs to be consoled...
Looks like it came straight out of a "How to Make a Rad Video Game" instructional tape from the mid-90's.
The reason they didn't decompose is that not even Planet Earth wants them.
Apparently the people thinking the Hardhat is not real have never worn a hardhat or seen one that is properly/improperly adjusted.
That's what...
Does the other person have to accept the hug? Can I hug rape people?
Ones who stare at their phones constantly, no less.