holy shit
holy shit
Oh my god, when Gita said “‘Whitney’s Miltank’ moment” this PTSD-inducing song immediately started playing again in my head.
way to felate your corporate masters
Luigi is afraid, yes. But he is afraid of what he has to do, not the ghosts.
In addition to feeling like a scumbag when I realized what happened... my 3 year old daughter screamed at me while I was vacuuming him. “NO NO NO HES A NICE GHOST WHAT ARE YOU DOING DADDY?!”
That’s not the “Oh yeah” we know and love. It’s the meek “Oh yeah” of a man who’s crumbling under the weight of a task that gives him no pleasure but that must be done. Luigi is a tragic hero.
There is also another version of it when you come back to the room later and he’s already finished his film. It’s cool that they had it progress further if you come back to the room later.
Agree so hard with the first paragraph. I find the second pretty offensive to literally anyone with a religion, though. Back up on the name calling.
Oh it's a must! And in 20 years when Disney is allowed to swallow Warner/DC, he'll have a buddy comedy with Deathstroke
I vote to actually make these names canon.
I’d buy that if they also didn’t fire and blackball the 2 casters for, I guess, not immediately karate chopping the player into unconsciousness or something. Blizzard did this to appease the Chinese government, not to set an example.
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again:
Blizzard absolutely has a right to control speech of players on its platform. And we have the right to criticize them for sucking up to thin-skinned authoritarians. There’s no hypocrisy there.
offends a portion or group of the public,
“a video game is only as good as its verbs—its actions—and they’ve always endeavored to make those actions induce as much joy as possible.”
This. This is a basic tenant of game design and development that so many don’t *seem* to grasp.
“In addition to this news, the report also stats that Steve Ellis, one of the creators of Timesplitters, will help plot the future of that series.”
The problem with that logic is that the Wii U had a ton of great games.