
Yeah, though I also think they should’ve changed the name a bit it’s all petty semantics.

I feel like we didn’t have a lot of cool info coming out from interviews like we normally do. Everyone was really tight lipped and the games we saw blips of generally didn’t garner the same interest as they had in past years. No mans Sky has been to what, 3 e3s now? We got no awesome surprises from anyone that was

NX will be at e3, possible for a holiday release but not for sure.

They fixed that in 4-swords with 3 players, bizarre decision indeed.

It’s all pointless (ha!) if there isn’t a unit that does a single hitpoint of damage.

Nintendo let too much out of the bag before the e3 direct. They should have kept Sundays (and probably May’s NDirect) better stuff for e3, announcing stuff like animal party and the metroid stuff prior instead.


There’s actually quite a few good looking infies headed that way.

If only the Wii U were dx11 compatible. Needs some tessellation all over this game.

There’s more than just his tail but most of his chubby body is covered. Pichu stood out like a sore thumb though.

Took me a while for the last one because he’s not 100% visible.

Dammit Luke, I liked Advent Children, better than 3 of the movies you have listed here.

Hopefully yhey add crossover events back as that seems like something that would be possible.

She still can’t hold her own and that really should have been fixed by now.

He way they’ve done everything with her has sucked. She’s still getting rescued every fight and as an actress she needs to learn how to not look like a total noob in action scenes.

Now only if White Canary could replace Black Canary on Arrow...

I said the same in that thread. Biggest thing for me was the stuff you collected staying collected. No more 99 notes, leaving the stage, then having to pick them all up again to get the hundredth.

I played through Superman 64 three times to see all the endings. This does not count how many times it crashed or otherwise failed.

Having younger siblings taught me the value of copying your save frequently.

All I have to say is that having to recollect so much junk in Banjo-Kazooie instantly made Banjo-Tooie superior. Leave the level with 99 notes? Well if you want all 100 you’ve got to pick them up all over again, fixed that in Tooie. Also, you got nearly unlimited flight at the end with Kazooies glide move, which was