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College Humor had this idea *years* ago. Edit -- you actually mentioned it, sorry.

I was going to make a snarky quip about being so old that Michael Pena is playing dad characters in movies, but the school scene with the metal detector that’s played for laughs is just straight up depressing. We’re at the point that school shootings are now so normalized that we don’t even think about how fucked up

Don’t you wonder what anime art will look like in 2030

You Are (Not) A Klepto 

If there’s a bright side, this is the first time a Jaguar’s made a clean tackle on someone since 2017.

I mean this was amazing. The amount of people worried about this woman was absurd. Shit she’ll probably be on The Today Show tomorrow with Savannah Guthrie

I will continue to need to speak for the reasonable Jew community of this country. Engel, shut the fuck up. There is positively nothing anti-Semitic about what she said. If she was talking about any other country, this article wouldn’t exist.

This is how Colin Kaepernik ended up having to defend himself from accusations of “disrespecting the troops” when he asked that cops not kill black people indiscriminately.  This is Grade A deflection. 

I’m going to refer to this has Hotline Harambe.

I have read many articles by you Gita and you have never seemed angry or trying to bait any one, I hope you keep writing about race and gender. I look forward to your next article, this was a very good read.

Your pieces always give me something to think about and I agree that it’s important to both:

Gita, thank you. I can’t say I always see eye to eye with staff writers, but I can wholeheartedly say that Kotaku is a better place for having you here and that your efforts make a difference, each and every day. Your perspectives matter and it makes all of us a little smarter, more empathetic, and wiser each read. Tha

There is clearly something wrong with Bioware at this point

Assain’s Crew : Odd See

Terry would be perfect Barret.

Obligatory “Razer had a game store?” Post

Remember when Iwata (and the rest of the board) took a 50% cut to his $770.000 salary because Nintendo wasn’t doing as well as expected?.

A shame that the Activision CEO only makes like $30 million and can’t afford it