
Mike, just accept it already - Miqo’te are the superior species and once the crisis is over and the dust has settled it shall be Homo Felinus that leads the way to a new age of prosperity and nap times across a day.

Looks like I picked the right time to give the game a try. Been enjoying it for the most part. The story is good but, wow, can the voice acting get bad sometimes. And that trailer didn’t show any improvement in that department.

If waiting a little longer means a better game, I can wait. Far too many games are released in buggy and unfinished states. I’ve got plenty in my Steam and GOG libraries to keep me occupied a while.

The funny thing is, a huge part of the charm of PUBG is how unfinished it is. The rubber banding should be fixed, but other than that the bugs are half the fun! Watching cars flying off like Team Rocket, somehow surviving or being killed by something silly, the laughs generated when something bonkers happens... fix

Till this moment, I had absolutely no interest in seeing how this Watchmen “sequel” played out. Now I’m thinking of picking it up, just to see Marionette and Mime shenanigans.

Here’s a hint, Bono - men can still be angry. They can still sing about being angry. What matters is what they are angry about.

You haven’t finished Berseria yet? Put down everything and finish it! I found the gameplay got repetitive after a while, but the story and characters kept me enthralled and constantly playing “just a little more” to see what happens next for over a hundred hours.

How did amazingmao not win?

Dammit. And guess what my plans were after I caught up on the news here.

Why do people call the ending depressing? Bittersweet, sure, but depressing? Sam was given a choice, he COULD have gone home, but he chose to continue to help people. Not a bad way to live out one’s life if you ask me.

Another theory - it just wasn’t that good of a movie! And the advertising at the time didn’t make it look that good either.

This looks absolutely bonkers. I may have to track it down.

I remember the exact same problems in Ultima Online, and that came out 20 years ago! You’d think game developers would have learned.

I’m... still not feeling it. Since Joss took over, I expect this will be better than MoS and BvS, but probably nowhere near as good as WW. Though I hope I’m wrong and JL is awesome.

Nope. I honestly found it that funny. Of course it helps that I play MMORPGs, and I’ve seen The Shining, so I get the joke.

OMG... when I got to that last panel of Life in Aggro I nearly spat out my coffee all over my computer...

It was... okay. There is potential, but the start was full of things happening out of convenience. The script could have used quite a bit of polish. And they need to hire a new camera man, or the director needs to reign in the weird angles. Either way, too many weird camera angles!

I’m still not sold on the ‘adopted

Still sounds like it could be an interesting game, I just now know not to get my expectations too high.

I remember using the Underdogs back in the day. Helped me find some games that were basically impossible to find. Would be nice to see a few more of those titles up on GOG.

I absolutely loved Anniversary. It was like they knew how to capture Tomb Raider as I remembered it, not how it actually was. I hope Square Enix doesn’t tell this project to stop.