
i LOLed really hard xD

Now playing

ok guys, click Expand and play one of those two (based on your taste) and send me your thanks later :D

Mike the link for iOS direct me to a game called BADLAND, are you sure thats the right link ?

im actually a fan of Molyneux,and now I can swear to god (with confidence) that there is a direct correlation between ppl who are too dumb to see a CLEAR sarcasm and low IQ xD

no he never said a SHARE or its monetary gain, he said a little bit of the revenue xD

looooooooool i laughed soooo hard and as it turned out, its really nothing (compared to what was anticipated xD)

hahahahahaha imagine if it was nothingness ???

i removed it and lent the dvd's to a friend :( i wanted to buy the Episodes but never did xD, but now i must either buy the episods or get my original one back because this mod is one hellaof a mod xDDD

hmmm.... and who told them that the freakish method she used to torture her daughter worked ??? is there another version of her daughter from parallel universe that has not been massaged all her life and has a rounded beautiful face ???


i heard good things about Path Of Exile but never played it before, and just now im checking youtube for gameplay videos xD

DAFUQ !!! that dude has the face of max payne !!!

they are xD

how the hell could you tell ???!!!

fuck M$ and fuck "The One" there is another "One" for me called the PS4 and if that sucks there is ALWAYS hands down the MASTER RACE "PC" :D
beside im an eccentric, loneliness loving guy, i love to play my games alone !!! im not a brat that likes to show off his trophies or achievements and when i want to play video ?? ... :(

The late Dreamcast had them and even had the same controller shape....RIP my dear, you were ahead of your time and the world wasn't ready for you T__T

are we sure this is not a laptop ??

yeah finally now we need some mosiac fans and some photoshop fans as well (i suck at both :( ) and we get the PS4 0_0

yep i thought i would see it too but alas it seems we have lazy artist here xD