damn.. we really dont need any more of that :(
damn.. we really dont need any more of that :(
hehehe cant agree more :D
i did enjoy my dreamcast to the maximum, it showed me what true family entertainment was... and it also showed what the best controller design was/still, and the graphics oh....dont even get me to talk about that :(, or the true sandbox games cough cough shenmu cough and ........ a lot to be told, little time/space i…
why there is no trailer with the pictures ?? here:
say thank you ????
yeah but not all the time, it usually has to do with their capsule client ($#!tty one) excuse my language... but when they make sales on games with steam key i do buy them as their prices are great.
so teh only contender that has actually been left out is the GameStick or whatever it name was... ouya should be ashamed .. starting new they should leave the grudge and tricky tactics for big brothers (M$, P$)... and play nice with their small friends xD
its hilarious and great, thanks Patricia :D
LOL wtf ??? i mean was she extremely thirsty to drink the thing without tasting it ??? if i taste a bleach i will know it !! but to drink the whole thing then start feeling weird stuff or burning feeling.... i think that its is a scam, as they found it was a detergent and they drank it deliberately to get the…
look at that fat fuck getting all out hehehhehehehehe xD
Respect dude +1
release date for PC: "not mentioned" check
seems like portal to me, with an indie notion... still an interesting game too bad its PC, it i had it on my ipad i would have played the hell out of it, but PC, my Crysis wont allow me to go anywhere near that :D
where the hell is Ender Dragon from minecraft ????
i wouldn't argue with that, if you compare it with the Ender Dragon, this was easy as hell xD
WTF is that tube that goes into her vagina do ???