
It is available on SE

Brooks. As in Avery, but also anything smaller than a river or stream. :P

Someone on another site noted that Monica goes through three walls (well, two walls and a fence) before she goes through the barrier.

Windows Key + Pause/Break will do the trick too.

So none of the people commenting on here read the book, apparently.

I don’t even have a dog in this fight but I just assume anyone who uses the phrase “PC virtue signaling” unironically must be insufferable.

I had my own experience with [Whedon], which wasn’t the best one, but I took care of it there and when it happened. I took it to the higher-ups and they took care of it.

Heroes:  Our Polar Bear Was Racism The Entire Time

I think just about every bookish, romantically frustrated young man has a bit of Harold Lauder in him, which is why the character is so effective. Most people are just able to grow out of it with time and some personal improvement. 

... Be sure to drink your Ovaltine?

Followed by Bahamut Zero and Knights of the Round summons.

At the moment of creation, the Creator imprisoned the Dark One (the Devil/Morgoth, right?) outside creation. He made the Wheel of Time, which governs the universe. It has 7 spokes, each spoke is an age, as an age passes it fades in memory to legend, then myth, then is forgotten when the age comes again. The unnamed

This is the best budget gaming laptop around...

That’s it exactly. A scene-by-scene recap, followed by three lines of criticism. That is what I wrote. 

Neither could the Greeks! That was their attempt at saying the name of the Pharaoh Ramesses II! They are also the reason why we sometimes talk about the Great Pyramid as “Cheop’s Pyramid” when the Pharaoh in question was Khufu.

I mean, there’s a very good chance one of the funerals she goes to will be Biden’s.

Wait, is Dave Chappelle allowed to be friends with people the AV Club isn't friends with?

Yes, and I would also like to see A.V. Club issue a formal apology for all its positive Louie reviews over the years. You guys knew about the rumours, you did nothing about it.