
You have to discuss the video game that did a relationship better than any movie or many stories have done:

Nathan Drake and Elena Fisher from the uncharted series.

Lots of childhood ones but most of all, the one I remember the most and would probably be closest to real life desires: Elena Fisher from Uncharted.

Just feels like they are timing a new Playstation with every new God of War game.

I fucking love this show. 

I actually used “Xbox play” and “Xbox pause” a lot with the kinect while watching movies on netflix while eating.

I believe it is wise to coax billionaires who are losing it, to waste their money on every foolish venture they can be convinced to. I am willing to pretend to be a right wing idiot to keep encouraging him with these dumbshit moves.

This is one of the easiest ways to make them lose their incredibly wasteful collection

GOd of war ragnarok?

Is that Alternatino?

Man, all I needed was “I don’t have to go to costco every week to get gas anymore” and “I can charge my car for free at my workplace”

There is nothing wrong with destiny being a console game or any such issues. The gameplay is still unbeatable. The weapons still feel amazing.

The number 1 problem with destiny 2 has always been this
1. Content is too slow

There is nothing wrong with destiny being a console game or any such issues.

The number 1 problem with destiny 2 has always been this
1. Content is too slow

See what Tesla can accomplish when the CEO is occupied doing something else entirely (Xitter).

 Having a driver license is a privilege, not a right.
This is in from your DMV. 
Driving isn’t a right in the US constitution

This. Shepard’s story is over. It was done. If they bring him/her back anyway then it’s a disservice and bullshit.

They could do something like what they did with V and Johnny Silverhand in Cyberpunk 2077 though. That would work.

Twitter/X is not longer for the younger progressive generation. It’s for older conservatives or conservative younger generations who are frankly living 50 years in the past.

Yea I use it just to share things to myself on youtube and facebook so I can download them off of those sites on my phone and then post them on reddi.

I’ve been running it non stop (sleep mode) over the last 3-4 weeks with no issues.

I think your PS5 may have some defect.

Headline is too much. It makes it sound like the game company is screwing over homeless people in real life in some way making it sound sensational.