Good God, Lemon

It made sense before, but I don’t think the Kanye and Kim relationship has ever made quite as much sense in the past as it does at this moment.

Hot Take: They should have picked a uglier way to commit suicide. Blood in the water is romantic imagery

Now playing

Man fuck Ed Sheeran, goofy little troll. There is already a delightful song called Galway Girl. It’s TAKEN.

I’ll tackle that second question. To preface this, I am transgender and medically transitioning.

This will probably only make sense to black women, but one time I got medium-sized, waist length braids that looked amazing but took like 7-8 packs of hair to achieve. My neck did not appreciate it.

My hair is barely past my shoulders and it is still heavy as fuck and gives me a headache. Looking at her hair in this video makes my skull hurt.

I have to admit I’ve always had a bit of an eyeroll for Hilaria Baldwin. Apropos of nothing really besides her name (not her fault I know but I see Hilaria and think hilarious and just start laughing) and the contant yoga photos and instagramming. But I may just be a fan now because that is great and so so true.

Because people deserve to be treated with respect even if it is just a business deal. Additionally, I’m tired of the assumption that women are only in it for the fame/money and that it means they’re deserving of poor treatment or judgement.

She was more famous than him when they got together.

No. Home girl has been on tv for years and does very well for herself. All this before she even met him.

‘She’s married, I’m not’

I really love the level of concern-trolling required to believe a woman’s uterus would just drop straight out of her body if she ran too much.

In the middle of the race, Semple tried to shove Switzer and physically pull her out. “He was pulling at me and screaming, ‘Get the hell out of my race and give me that number,’” Switzer told Deadspin in 2015. “Arnie was screaming at Jock, and then Tom smashed Jock out of the way.”

growing number of concerns from students, alumni and faculty and by the request of Archbishop Joseph Naumann and Abbot James Albers

“the couple was informed they owe a little over $700,000 in unpaid federal taxes, and that was just for 2014.”

Why can’t they just sell some of their homes/expensive shit to pay off the IRS and then slowly rebuild their brand (whatever that is)? I don’t understand rich people. Like, you’re hella broke. You don’t need 5 walk-in closets.

This photo of Bledel shows more emotion than she ever did in the entirety of Gilmore Girls.


rudely described as a “pensioner,”

“Excuse me, ma’am? Ma’am!? Do you have a minute to discuss ethics in gaming journalism?” MA’AM?!?”