Good God, Lemon

I would be shocked SHOCKED if Pope Francis was against these nuns. They are doing exactly what he has been asking Catholics to do since he became pope. Go out and be selfless, help the less fortunate, change the world for the betterment of all mankind and to do it with humanity and humility. Everything he has been

Am I the only person who didn't know that he is married to Connie Chung?!?

Jesus Christ, what a bunch of butts. I don’t have kids and I don’t want kids and I don’t really like kids but I do my best to nod along supportively when people talk about their kids or show me pictures or whatever because that is basic human courtesy and also I guess it’s really nice that people love their kids? It’s

Always nice to see a company doing a recall in good time to potential safety concerns, unlike some other comapanies in the past *cough Toyota cough*

Didn’t know I was going to need a ‘Go fuck yourself’ form letter for this comment section, but I guess that’s what I get for assuming for once cis people might try and think about an issue from a trans perspective instead of their own. An out trans man on the cover of a men’s health magazine tells the world, and

Yeah, sure but what would make you happy then? Its a men’s health magazine, the person who wins is going to be someone who is presumably jacked. That’s the point. And who knows, perhaps if/when he does win they will actually include something about the fact that he is a transgender man.

Well he should probably be black too, otherwise he isn’t sufficiently fighting racism.

He seems happy? Shouldn’t he be allowed to look however he wants without having to worry about who he is or isn’t representing in the LGBT community?

I’ve never heard the expression “buff rowdy” and it is now my Favorite Thing Ever. Thx!

I would. Hard!

A commenter on Twitter just pointed out another use for misoprostol I wasn’t aware of: It can be used to help insert IUDs in women who’ve never had children. Truly a wonder drug.

Really? So they routinely scrutinize **all* scripts written for off-label use, in the name of patient safety?

I've gone through the heartbreak of two miscarriages, and I can't imagine how enraged this poor woman must have been. I am grinding my teeth into sawdust right now.

“Keep that p***y tight while I’m gone.”

That was wonderful. This point cannot be made often enough: two extra hundred dollars added to the cost of the procedure, two extra days to think about it, 300 extra miles to travel — these are obstacles that make a legal option impossible for some women. It’s disgraceful.

A very important reminder that the (future) top doctor in our nation once made me pose with her blow-up doll on top of me. Would go back if covered by Kaiser.

Harry Styles definitely “hasn’t got a little thing,” claims Ed Sheeran, Official Harry Styles Penis Liaison

Is she allergic to weed? Because that’s an awful lot of nose-rubbing for “rolling a joint.”

I did a report on her in my criminology class, it’s pretty horrifying. I think there were hundreds of people in the apartments who heard or saw at least part of the attacks. No one bothered to help or call the cops because they all assumed someone else would. Although I think there was a man who defended himself by